Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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G Sohumau's “Willie K.”anl Kuby Dexter's “Daylight” wiM try u hieh of tbem eau get aronn 1 . , the t -auk the qaickest. Bet on * . — % > j Tbe on!y Fteeman, the wel - known caterer of the Hawaiian ? Hotel, will serve loneh for the ? visitors to the race track next : Monday. If tbe races are nct indacement enongh for ordiuary people, Freeman’s innel» w.ll bc. 3 ! . j W. Jas. Smith. for roany yeara > Secretarv of the Board of Educa- - tion. h*s been reinoved. ExConsal General for tbe Unite.l States, an ex-Hawaiian and an B ex-American. Severance has been appoioted in his plaee. Mr. S i Fierce, the book-keeper of tbe e edncational department, has also • beon It is 8aid that the *; ex-ex-ex-etc. Severance will fi;i both jobs.