Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — The Races. [ARTICLE]
The Races.
i The officers who are to act on j the lltu of June have been appoiuted. The names of the several j gentlemeq will bo a gnarantee i that everything will eome off i:i ; a tip top manner. The list is as follows: Jcdoes. S. J. Shaw, W. H, Kiehanl, Oapt. Tr’pp. Starter. C. B. Wilsou, Tl.WE kkeei*r I Frank Halstead, Frank Krueger, W. F. Love. Clerks of Col r.se. Jack Low, Thos. P. Cummint. Sadijle Paddook* J. K. Mers 'berg, R. J. Greer.