Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — WESTERN CIVILIZATION. [ARTICLE]
Encouragement to Emigrants. —— — ■ i. tT Hawan s modem “blue” laws l eame into etfect yesterday when • the S. G Wīlder got aIong the > wharf‘ Nigel Jackson who ■ a!ways tnrns up like a bad peany >1 wns on board «nd eame down e«- * pecially to go inio partnersh»p ; witb Fraucis Leo etc. and Fitz r gcrald. Nigel thongh. had for1 gotten his j*ocket book on h!s piano at home and the j?J0.0U, 1 now necess.irv for persons who ‘ des:re to enjoy the noxt eigl t years in Hawaii-nei onder Dole s wise regime, were not fortLcorning. So Nigel was refased to !and and tbis v.t!ueable addit:on to the ’‘biavos'' of Puneūhowl c»n t join his iutended hcmns. lh»t was bad enough but, tbe stern custom oliicer. who hails from Kusshi was ealleil Uj»on to euf. rco our emigrant law on other partit-s. i * , k g°at. white as snow with % s >ft eye and tite best of munners, Ln<l J wilhont consulting Iaws . aiid k icked against boing canght. Upon euqoirv from the euergetic oliieial the go. t claimed ! | that she had n » fiftv dol!ars nor ■ anythiug else in hcr pants . pockets, but, uoverth- less the goat went on aud tho officer is j still chasing her. The last iieard from the wharf ; is that N:gel is discharging guano from the vessel; the goat ; Its probably doiog the same. But the p. g’s laws and principles aro vindicated.