Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — The Kawaiahao Seminary. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Kawaiahao Seminary.

■ Twent7-Seve atb. Annnal Erhibition Tbe twenty ievectb annnal | exLibitioo of K iwaiahao Seuiinarv was beid in Kawaiahao CLurch Iast evecing. Tae platform wss tastefuily arranged with plants and fercs witb a back eronnd festooned wi;L dowers. The only Berger jad bīschaml>er orchestra in tbe organ gallery in capital order. Tbe opeaicg cborus was well j readered by tbo girls witb band accompaaimeLt, after wbich tbey recited tbe l(Wtb F»alms. and tbe Kev. S. L. Desba invuked a biessing. A practioal paper on breadmakiiig by Miss Aikne, sat:s&ed , tbe youog mea \ re»ent tbut Abig.tl i.s au artist ut bot cakes. The uext item, a piano so!o, a ‘ r 2sooturne.” by Leybacb, played by Miss Leleo, was a pretty ei ercise in octaves, given \vith ai piecision and elia. m <*f eipress : on not often beard iu eehool eihihitious. Lucv L de« ia evi<lentlv: * _ * ! a born student of mr.sic on whom: higher cultivati a wookl not be lost — sbe was ap}*lauded. The hoop d;ill by foarteenj little girls w«s gr.»ceful aud novel as well us calisthenic. : Tlie eomie iausic il recitation by Helen Dosba was a clever pieee | of burlesque oe tbe girl that 1 hates her exer< ises—Helen is . - i uot uervons as a mimie. Tho chorns “Q ieeu’s Gavotto” | \vas well sang, b it the uame uf tbe Rnyal Composer sorved too inneh to remind those of her friends who he.i -d it, of snch seasoDS when she \vas present, ; ami the ohl ohanh crowded. The opeuing uumber iu the 1 second part \vas an instrumental gem, by Herman. and well rend-j i ered by the orcliestra. A eom-i | position in' n; tive by Jaliaj Lovell on tbe he:oism of Kapio lani, who in the early days of her conversion to Christianty travelled from K ma to Kilanoa, in order to defy the goddess of Pele aml pnt dov n snperstition, i was weli read an' enjoyed. Tho p : ano so!o jy Lydia Aholo wasapplauded. L dia was a 1 ittle nervous Tlie “Daisy Eime” by the j childreu wus tbe f. em of the even- ! ing. aml one of th 3 prottiest illnstrated object lossons conceivable, j woven into a p tiie a ervice of ! song. it w.is a surprise, and Miss Davidson is a genius, The next numl > rwa3 a piano ! solo, very carefi.lly played by I Violet Lima. A composition m“TheHigher Eaaoaiion of Hava5ians” was an i essay of cousiderable pretensioas. ; and worthy of being printed. : The authuress M iss Emma Ai, j read her production with duency. j and in a pleasant t >no of voice. Tbe chorus33 * LuUaby” and i ‘ Spring TValtz” were well sung I with piano accompauiment. Miss Flora .Smith recited ; “Jept’ia’s Diugbter’ fairly. but scmewhat wantmg in moduIation j of voice and dramatio actiou. Tho closing n; tive chorus by the girls and ba id, wound up a very pleasing exhibitidn whieh deserved a mueh arger andience The tei»chers are to be congrutalated on thoir successful exhibition, no less than on the pbysical and cheeriu! apiJ«;»rance of tbe pupiU.