Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — THE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]

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- II ■! t pw ise ]\Ien Meet THEIR DOIXGK Wednesday, Jane 6. AFTEBNOO>' SESSIO>. I Tbe conreation reassembied ? t 1 1:30 in committee of the «bo e > whea artic!e 22 w.ts tiken up, r»iating io the qnaiifications of ti e Presi ient Coon. Brown raovod to strile out the wonls.“or re-ident ther>in for not less th;»n 13 years " Minister Daiuon raovtd t<» insert five years. Conns. Wi»te •- bi’iise and Sraitb f*vored ten ye trs. Coun. Yon g and Del. Baldw;n favored 15 years resi»lence, ani , the article passed printed. Art. 23 First President. Del. Lyman raoved tliat tbe j words S.»nford B. Dole be insered in the hiank (appb»use). Pres. Dole tbought the matter onght to go to tbe 3r«l readm«.. 1 Del. Ab'es moved to make tbe tenu 4 years. Min. Sraith said the niaiter had been aniioneU’ i considered and a great deal cf prayerfui thooglit g : ven to the point by the exerutive. andth; conclusion arrived at was that f ; the first term was made 4 yeais only the Pres dent should not be barred frora re-electiou. Del. Ables intcnd<*d to inov? | that the President be debarre 1 from re-election for a 2nd term, | but chunged his mind. Del. Robertson moved to inseit the year 1802 making an 8 year j terra, so as to let the senators ii. 1801 elect the Ppresideut. Conn. Smith favored the elee- , tion of a I’resident by the peopl-i nnd inoved that the naine of S. B. I D.de eome before the people fo e their approval. This wus no _ i the proper way ofelectinga rresident. Miu. Sraith sai«l tlio raotion just moved was ont of order «uei ( asked that the first molion pnt. • -’ Ou the nyes aml noes being , called nll voted to insert tlie name of Sanford Ballard Dol« ; , except D B. Smith who proteste< that such election rested witl j tbe people, bat he afterwards voted «ye. Del. Ablea moved to inser ; 1898 instead of 19u0 Del. Bald- ! win preferred the 8 year term ; but wonid like to see the senatf : eome frora the people. Min. Smitb said the two qnes | tions were affiliated *but no k necessarily so. He consi<lerei . (the 6 ye.ir term best and wa? [ i opposed to the first :erra hein^ , too short as we have had ch«nge> ! 1 euough in the past. . i Min. Dainon believed this tenr , ef 8 ye»rs was trenching too niueli on tbe rigbts of the people and was not s .fe,, to tbe deprive thci people of tbeir rigbt of election . ■ so loug. i | Del. Ables tbonght tliat tbis 1 convention onght uot to Iose , of tbe fact tbat we are uot tlie : people. ‘Tt luoks «s if we are . raaking a close corporation and the people will h«ve notbing to . say by »nd b}’.” Del Tivas was an admirer of : i tbe personal qualit.es of Mr. Dole but tbe people wil! think we nre gettiug away from tbem in this e!ection of President for 8 years. Josepa favored eleelion of Mr. Dole for life. Has bc not beeu the Moses whieh led us tbrougb Ihe wilderuets into tbis Caanaii I (roam of 1» gbter.) Bat as tbe figores 1900>1 were printed lie 1 tbongbt tbe least term sbonld be eigbt years. j Tbe moiion to extend tbe Pre- ! : sid-ntial term to 1902 was carried. : Article 24. Eleeiion of Presi- l dent , j j The entire article passed with ’ I some vefb«l amendment necesaary by the cbarge of of I first President to eight years. Miniater Hatcb moved and ' ' carried a sabst tuta seetioo that “No Presideot sball ke eligib!e ■ for re-election for the term ful- , Iowing tbat for whieh he wa* | •iecte«l. Tbi» niaed opposition from Dei. Joeep« who vanted s life President »nd £rom Del. Vivaa who beld it ahould be !eft totbe ; ted ’

} piete ehange every six ye*rs s» • otberwis> free governraenl woald . be in da-iger. < Presid?nt Dole nrged tbat the f»ci of i Pmident haviog tbe opportnrvity of sacceeding himself ws» not ?ood policv and snpported Mio>ster Hatco's sobstitute — ' as above—whieh catried. ArticU 25, Power of A'ppointment Del. Ables moved th»t tbe ofS £ce ofAnditor General ‘ whieh wss created ru<ler KaUkan» as s gift for favor tes be abolisl»ed Min. Smith defendeii the need of tbe ofi ee as a eheek on rainislers and >fficials. D»?I. C»rter thought that the pUn ado >ted nn«ler Kilakaoa of m«king :be npr»>iutraent of tbe Distnct Mag5strste» over to the i Sui»r me Court a goo«i oue, and | tberefore r**moved tbat the words “and tLo Distr ct M»gistrntes in 1 sec.3 be »tricken ont After some discnssion Dei. w.’thdrew tbe araendraent >tud tbe section passed as printod. Article 2(>. Power of Bemoval. psssed witb a verb tl smendoient. Aiiiele 27, Panlon, passed as pnnted Artiele 28. Conveuing tbo Legislatore, jasaed witb a verb*l ameodment Article ‘29. Foreign Rerpresntatives, passed as pnnted. Article 30, Messages to the i Le«islatnre and Advisorv Oonnn • oil, P»sse l as printetl. Article 33. Martial Law, Ma- : he«s Cor| us pas»ed as printed. lAHiele 32, Xreaties, passed as j printed At 4 p. m. the coramittee rose, j reported aud obtained leave lo ! sit aga n. Thursday, June 7. v<>RNixr. s:;ssioN. The coi<veiition met at 9:30. Presideut Do!e in the ch«ir. i After pn yer by tlie ehaplain, tbe secretary read the minutes whieh were approved. After tio minutes were read *nd approved tbefoUowiugstandingcoium ttees were appointed. | i --Kxec«tiv0 — Btldwin. \\ilder Kalu’i, H«lcb, Yivas. Judicia y— McCandless.Lyraan Rob>-rts»n , Ables. C«rter. Legisla’ive —W. O. Smitb, Brown, Josepa, Waterbouse, Hitchcock. I j Finance—Allen, G. N. M ilcox, j D;i>non, £ranieiuth, Ena. On moiion of Del. Rohertsnn Art. 23 and 24 were referred t<i co!ninittet on Executive. Moved hy D*-l. Joaepa that the ! eonventio i adjonrn on account of ■ the goo<l tews froiu W»»hington. Del. Ri>:e moved that Josepa he gr.»nt le«ve of abseuce to ceiebr.»te .he news. Council nan Brown moved tbat bot > moti«)US be laid on the table, I earried. TheH.n se went int<>Comtnittee Del. R:ce being, called to tbe cbair. Art. 3.3 'u>88ed. Art. 34. Reports, responsibility Powen» of npjH>intracnt aml Re- : moval. * Min Sraith, Del. C»rter and ‘ Conncillor Brown had a discus- * siog as to tl.e wording «f sec. ou I tbe report.ng of miuisters to the Presideut. Pres. Dole did not wish to bave i * the cubinot dependent in a vote |of the ltgislatnre as in the } Frvnch syst-*m, «nd the point in I d-bate; ths statns of the cabinet I in the leg slatnre, was provided for elsewhere in tbe draft and woal.i eone on for discnssion I lster. Section 4 was amended after * coosiderab e debate. \ Article 3 > sects. 1 aod 2 pas?ed. Mr. Dole t x>k cccasion tu ialk s great d«ai. j 8ec. 3 pAised. ! Sec. 4 va» referred to eom- ‘ mittee. Sec. 5 p tsst d with an amend- l raent Art. 36 affersooDedebate paased | At 12, 10 the eommittee rese, ; reported an4 ssked leave to sit ! »gain. Tne eoDventūm wes adI joorned till tomorrow (Fridap) | at 9:30. New Togt. May 30 —Pnoeea , Di OaEIm Ooloooa, ber two; ehildrea. kwo maida sod • man ! $err*ot eail*l fcr A>utb-«mp4oo ‘fo d»y on tbe New York. Mr. | «nd Mrs- CJsbs Hprwek«is wers i »o)oag kks priocs»»’ fsllow p**-