Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Good News. [ARTICLE]
Good News.
The oew; by the Alautedn is of n most p easiug natnre to the ioyal citize is « f Hawaii. It is evident tha the p. g. has lost ali its friemls i i Wn»hington, except a few sab-id ze<l Seontors like Honr. Frey »nd Kyle. The tenor of the Vest csolntion most eonvicce every biokiog man that tbe Deraocratic party approves. npholds and sapports Cleveland For intern: kional reasons the f*ople of H .waii coosists of the Hawatians. beir foreign friends a»;d every *erson who is wiHing to heeome n trae. loyal citizen to hia homa of adoption. The ma—- ; jority. the o erwhelming majority of that f>eo] ie, are comj»osetl of ; the men w io have been true to j principle, 1roe to tbeir oath. ; and trne t« the country whieh I bas sbelter kI tbem To that • People tli«* l’n;ted Statesgives its ! belpirg haml The wrong eommitted to th< se patriotic Hawaiiana will be und<»ne. And with tliat object n view «lid a large majoritVof āenakin?, as formerly a larg** m. jority of Representatives. sapp »rt the nohle and courageous wlicy of Cleve’and. The Preside;.t now has the fall power to ae . He c«n, and will now carry oi t his avowed inteotions in r»*ga d to Hawaii, and he wiil with «n iron hun«l swamp aml crush he s**lf-exputriated Americans who «lare. in Hawaii, to talk in th name of the Great Repnblic. .iiioexation is gone, Protectorate is goue. Citizeusbip is gone All that they bave worked for.tiiese polilieal adventurers is los-t, and for the loss they ean t lank Stevens aml Thnrston. 1. iw iii is s ived. The Hawaiian pe iple is yet indejien dent. The v ill »<f the uution is parumonnk- Let the p. g. make a constitntio i, puss a resolution. it ends in ditsolntion The light of imlependenc »,of freedomfrom oligurchical tyr mny from persecntion, nml fro n big»itted batred,is throwing its ays on Huwaii nei. ! Cleveland wi i lea«l Huwaii on to a new p;«th. Woe to thera who obstruct and delay tbe raarch of progress. (»vor their corpses will the Haw iiians walk loi*ward nnd aeeompl «b their set task of liviug und« r a government approved. for ned aml supported by the gover ied.