Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 Iune 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Oeneml Oewstoa »'its w*lking in Gray’»InnKoad and w«srudely jo»tled by • p«r(y o( nmaioiau*. * Ke remonBtrated aod tle party j j tarued on bim and strnck him. h Geueral Hewstoa c«rried au utub-1 ( re la a»d used it fco defoud him- 1 aelf. Tbe poiui of tbe mubr*dla * entered the eye of Bmton. oue * o(4ie aeaai!ants, and )t« (vll. H« ( waa iakeu to a hoapiUl and fchere j dīed. j