Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — WORKING FOR FREE SUGAR. [ARTICLE]

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The House Likely to Break the Senate Amendment. — Washisqton, M«y 29tl>.—The | l'-icocrsts of tlu> OUio clelegation : in tb*' Houae held n meoting today, »nd 10 out of 11 aj;reed to vote Mgninst any tax un sngar when the taritf bill is referred back to tlio ilouao from the Con- j ference Couuuittoe. It is well ' uuderstood that a free-sugar elauae will cnnse the defoat of the bill, but in ihe opinion of Thos. 1 Johnsou, who got tlie delegation together, tl:e party ean better afford to go b fore the countrv without passing any bill ratber th»u to mtifv the ninngled re-! niains of the Wilaon tuenaure. Johnsou and others are busv doing missiouary work in f«vorof ! free sugar whieh. it will l»e remeuibered. was the prr>visiun injected by the H onae into ihe WiUon hill by a voteof lo8 to38. Con*eqoently there is a strung ehauee of the llouse refusing to concnr with Uie Sennte Anaeodment One hundred «nd tbirty Repuhliean votes ean be e mnted for froe sugar heeauae it *ilt be ®xpected 4o wrock the b)H. The Texas delegation i» pretty well sttrred up on the qnestioo. aud couutiug its thirteeu votes the 153 ! votes ean be already s<»en for free j sugar, witb sever*l States to bear i from. 179 votes are sufficient to | break tbe Seuate A-ueudaient