Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — AT LAST! The Senate Finishes the Hawaiian Question. [ARTICLE]

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AT LAST! The Senate Finishes the Hawaiian Question.

A \ icton for Cleveland. » — m The Pepple of Hawail Must Hule. 1 — i WafibiDgton. ln the Tn<»rniTip honr Kyle. in | orl»T t» ;.voi.i further conflict over the r>a**s;icje of his Hnwaiian pe«olntion, Mgr©**»l to waive a v.«te on his peaolulion if Ihe vote eonl'l l.“ secnre«l on the r*irpie j r<*aoUition re|x.rteil fron> the Co-' initt“ ou For«ign H»-lation. \\.>t oH-re»l * «nbstitote Jor Turpie’s r» -> Hakiou ooe decU»rinp tti.it from th»* f icU aml papers l>»*fore the Sein»te it wouUl be unwiae aml ineipe«lient to eonai<l»*r tl»e project of annexatiou; thut tlie h j»!ie>t interuational interests r< .ju re the people of the Siuwich iaUn.U to ehoiiae ! their omui f».nn of Gover;»mont i aml lineof policv; and that foreign interf«rence with aHiir* of thcse ; ialan.lK wonl.l l»e taken a» an act I unfri»*n lly to tiie l n te»L-Sfates. A motion by Ooar to 1ay Vest’s »»nen<lment on tbe table wss «l»»i’<*ate<l —ny»'8, 36 noos. Th<* Senate »li»l uot meet on the ;tOth of Mnv. it being «locor- | ation # «lay. On the :tlst. the Senate iuet nml a rep«»rt froni the conimittee | of Foreign AH’airs relating to Hu- j waii was presenti*«l. No action 1 was iakeu. The r«*]»ort virtnnlly * j snpports the resolution of \ ost. The l'rosi.l«»iit now fias free hnnds 1 to c*rry out his annoaneeil poiicy relating to Hawnii.