Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LEWIS & C0.. Wholesale and Retaii ;6ro A5X> PROYISION PEALEia. FRESR GALIPORNU 8ALM0N ON IC£ Bt Et«7 8&a Fnsciaoo 8t«*n er. Salt Salxon ln Barrels 'A Specialti. /ii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P, O. Box 297. W.W. WRIGKTASON In All Its BrAXCHE8. Hor8eehoeing L A SPECIALTY. 97 and 80 King St., Honolnln M!erchant Exeha nsr^ Corner Kisg ana Nuuann Slre< U. S. I. SHA\V Manager. The Finest seIection of LIQU0/18 and BEK.lt. aold atiywhere in the town. First-cla.«3 attendance. Call au<l jncge foryonnelf. no ll£-tf. Capt. Wm. Davies, /NTER-/SLAND P/L0T , FOR. Any Port or Landing i:i the Hawaiian Xslands. lnqnire at offloe of J. S. Walkek orer SpreekeTa Bank. ,feb U-tf. 1 CAUFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, McIneroy Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS dEMEirr -!ax® dm l biūg Laid. ghwCooi**ll;kiBd» o ( (SoqcRte u WO. P. BOWLEB.