Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I Hohinaon BlocL\ Hoiel St., }tdween Fort and Nunanu, Hare Jnst Eccemd. jer Late Arrivals, tle I aigest Stcck of f C MTUEE Ever Imported to this Coantry, Compri?ing Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solici Oak. and of the L A TESTDESIGNS, @mWA¥ k F@BTEE ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS OALLEO TO THESĒ 8ET3: WĪCKER WARE . « • Beaut fal Des : gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, C3A1R8, EOCKERS, etc.,you ean get the.se in an»’! FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Coantless numhers of CHAIRS, in every style, inclading OFFIC.il and HIGH CHAIRS. We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIES tr nmieh. We have now in stock thu most . BEAUTIFUL OINING ROOM FURNITURE EVEE SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers ® DIVAXS.^ * | Divans covered with P0RTIERS are becoming qnite the rage i:i [>lape o| L0UNG£S—we manofactare them to order, and have i aige stock of P0RTIERS to select from. BBDD11TQ-. Great Assortmf nt of W0VE\ WIEE MATTEESSES—Spring, Hair Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order L1YE GEESE F£ATHERS and SILK FL03S for Pillows. CEIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHAD£S of all colors and sizes. C0RNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. ieEP^.ii5ijTa-, | Mattresses, Lconges and all UphoIstered Furniture repaired at reasonable rttes. CABLNET MAKING, in all its branches, by Compeaent Workaon MATTING LAID and Inttrior Decomting ander the Sapenrisiou o' f Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Oar Goods are First Class. and our prices are the loweet C«m>i and be convincod —a trial is s>dicitedBell 525. TEL£PHOXEs; Mataai 645. OBDWAY & P0RTER, Robinsoa Block, heiween Fort and Noonni

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Co£fee Roasters AND Merchants 98.Fori 8treet. - Honolnla , PUutations and Shipe cnppliod *ith ehoieeei 0»|jf«wiia Frodooe by Er«iy