Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.il HOLOMUA 18 rCBLISHED JCverv Afteraoon EICF.IT SCXDAT Bt THE Holomua FabUshing Co. At King St. (Tbotoa8 block), Honolula, H. I. SUBSCSn>TION, per Month, 50 Cts. The p*f»r i* rtelirfcred by C*rri*n in »he īovq «n<i Single Copie>» f->r 8«!e •t the Newa Deait-rs aud at the Office of pnblication. EdUU\D NORRIE, - - Editor GEORGE E. SUITHIES - Manager NOTICE. AU Hu8inc*s Commurloation8 shoii!d be a«!i!re»M>J to GM>rge £ Smithies Honoluln, H. I. t'orre«ponitence and Coniniunication« tor nnblicitUonKbonldbeaddlt«MMltotfae Editor llawuii Uoluiuna. So notioe wiil be paid lo *uy aunuymoui> eommuuiealionn. * 13asiness Cards A. T. PETEKSON; ATTORNEY AT LAW. OtBoe: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Ialands. CHARLES CHEIQHTON, ATTOUXF.Y AT LAW. OBloe: 113 Koahumann Street, Honoluln H kwaiiau Islauda. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORXEY AT LAW. 814 MerchHiit Street, Houolalu, Mutuul Tclcpboue 415. CLABENCE W. ASHFORD, A.TTORXEY AXD COCX8ELLOR AT LAW. Off.ce. 01d Capitol llailline, (Honolnln Uaie), adj >miug Poet Offioe, Houolnlu. iOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORXEY AT LAW, Office. corner King A Betbel 8ts. LEW1S J. LEVET, Keal Estate and General Auctiouecr. Oonier Fort and Qnecn Streets. Honolnln Persounl atteuti<»n g ven to Saies of Furn»ture, Real £stato. Stock Hud General Mercbandiso. Watnal T.dechone 23$ A. ROSA, ATT0HXEY AT a LAW, No. 15 Kaahnmanu St. Honolulu, Uawaiian islands. •• •-- • — — i ■ —■ M. H, LOHEIDE, 810X axd oexamkxtal PA1XTER. [Hawaiiau Hardware Co.] All ordors promptly ationded to. TH0MAS UNDSAY. Mannfadurin*j Jcweier a%d Watckmaker, Melaank? BW*ok. 405 Fort. Str. Hooohli W. S. LUCE Wine and Sr>irit Merchant Cnnpbeii Firt-proof Block, M£BOHAKTST. honolulu.