Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Xnsurance!N"otices. - - ■ — - I Pire, Ufe & Marine IM8URANCE. HARTFORD F<RE INSURAXCE G0.. 1 Assets, $ 7,109,825.49 LONDOX LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assete, $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO. Aaaeia, $ 6,124.057.00 ,XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO.. Assete, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Generai Agent for the. Hawaiian Is ( amla. llonolola INSIĪRA]\rCB FIRE & M A RINE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE F1RE asd MAKINE RISKS ON | Merchandise, Hnlls, Car^oes, and |' Commissions AT CUREENT RATES. IN THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES, tiz; Royal Insurance Company, - Liverpool āllianee Assurance Fire and Marine, Lonāon Wilhehna of Madgehur$ General lnsurance Co Sun īnsurance Company, - San Fraīicisco .1. S. WAI .KER, Agent for Plawaiian Islands. Telepho.ves: Bell 351 Muiual 417 Residexck: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, rs i 11 I i CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Estimates Given on A.11 Kinds i t OF BRICK, IR0N, ST0NEIW000EN 6I11LDINGS ! All Kinds of Jobbing in thc Bailding Tr»de. Atteodcd to. * « - KEEPS KOH SAJL.Es neK, i.une. Cement. Iron Stone Pipe snd Fittings, 01d 4 New Cormgaied Ifon, Minion Tile«. 3uarry Ti!es, asaoried sixea and colors; Califomu *nd Mouterey Sand, Gnnite Curbing snd Blocks, etc.. ete. i i eon a YA*D:{Oficn i m ftA A