Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAH’S “ 3LUE ” LAWS CONSTITUTION ! and LAWS Framed bv tl e Missionaries. AMERICAN PRINC!PLES as thcy were Taught the Hawaiiane FIFTY Years Ago. Missionaries Then, S£issionaries Now, NO CHANGE. l32.tere£3tirLg* St\a.d-3r. COXSTITUTIOX. RESPECTLNG THE PKEMIEU OF THE KINGDOM. It shall be the fiaty of Uu King to appoint sonae chief of raiik and ahiliK- to be his particnlar minister, whose title ahall be Premier of the Kin 'dom. His office and bnsiness shall be the sarae as tliat of uiahumauu 1. and Kaahumana II. Fur even in the time of Kamehameha I. iife and deatb, condemuation and «cqnittal \rere iu the hands of Kaahumanu. Wheu Kamehameha l died, his will was: “The Lingdom is Liholiho’a, an< KHahniuauu is his minister. That important feat«re of :he governmeot, origiuated by Kamehameha 1., shall be >erpetaatod in these Hawaiian lslands; but shall always bc in snbservioncy to the law. The following are the dut esof the Premier: Allbnsiness< oonnected with the sj»ecial nterests of the kingdom, whieh tlie Kinp wiahea to transact shall be done bv tlie Preruier under Uie nuthority of tbe Kiug. All docuraeuts nnd busiuess of tho kingdom. e\ ‘cuted by the Premier, shall be considered «a e\ecuted by 1 10 King’s authority. All governraent proj»erty sball be reportod to him, (or her). and he, (or sbo), shall inake it o er to the King. Tlie Premier sball be the King’s sj\ecial counselor in the great bnsiness of the kingdcra. The King shall not act '.'ithont the know!edge of the Premier. nor shall the Pren.ier act withontthe knowledge of the Kinp, aml the veto of tl e King on the acts of the Prenuer sball arrest the bnsii ess. All important bnsiness of the kingtlom whieh the Kin ' chooses to transact in person, he niuy do it, bnt not wi.hout the aj>j>robation of the Preraier. GOVl®NOBS. There shall be fonr Gov »rnors over these Hawaiian Islamls—one for Hawaii—one fir Maui and the Islands adjacent •one for Oahu, and one ljr Kanai and the adjaceut Islands. All the Governors, frora Hawaii to Kanai sball be subject to the King. The j>rerogatives of the Gvvernors and their duties shall be «s fuIlows: E«ch Gover ior shall have the general direction of tlio several t«\ gat ierers of his island, and shall sujijxirt tliora in the e\ecali?n of all their orders whieh he considers to have been pro >erly given. but ahall pursoe a coarse according to law, ind not accordiug to his own j>riv«te views. He a!so shail preside over all the jadges of his island: aud ahall see their senteuces e\ecuted as above. Ho sliall also appoint the jcdges aud give them their certificates of office. All tho Governors, from Hawaii to Kauai, shall besubjeot, not only to the King, bi t also to titē Premier. The Govornors shall be the snj>f rior over his particular islaud or islauds. 11« shali bave eh »rge of the munitioos of \var. under tbe direction of the K ing, however. and the Premier. Ile shall have charge of the forts. the soldiery. the arms aud all the implemenL» of war. .le shnll receive tbe government dues, and sh«ll deliver over the same to the Premier. All iiu{>ort«ut deoisious rcst with him in times of emergencv. uuless the King or Preraie • be present. He sball have ohargc of all the Kiug’s b isiness on the island; tbe ta\ation. new iraprovements to be extended. aml plana for tbe iucrease of weslth; snd all offie<*rs shall be subject to him. [ He sh«ll also have j»ower to decide all questions and tr«ns act ali islaud busiuess whieh is not, by Jaw, assigned to othera. 1 hen eitber of the Goveinors shall decease, then a)l Ihe cbiefs sbali assowble ut >ach plaee as the king shali appoinl, and sball nominaie a sucoessor of the deceased Governor, aod whosoever tl ey sh«U nominaie and be apj>roved by the King, he ahali be the new Governor. HOUSE «>F NOBL£S At the preseot j>eriod, the>e are the person» who shall si in the governmentconncils. Kamehameha IIL, Kekaolaohi Hoapiliwahine, Kuakini, Kekaaonohi, Kahekili. Paki Konia. Keohokalole, Leleiol okn, Kekaanaoa, Kealiiahonai Kanaioa, Keoni Ii ; Keoni ina and Haaliho. Sbculd ani other j>ersoD be received in o tbe eouneil, it shail be mad< known by law. Tbese pers >ns sball have part in the eoun eila of tbe kingdom. No la vof tbe naiion shall be passec withoot tbeir assent. They ahall aot in the following ner. They shall asaemble anna»lly. for the piupoie ol seekiog tbe welfare of the n. tion, and estabUahiag Uwa foi the kingdom. Their meeiirgs shall eommenoe in April, «i snch day and plaee as Uie King ehali appoink It shall «Sso be proper lor lbe King to eonaaU with ihe above persom respeeiiag tll ihe greet ooneema oMhe kiugdow, io 6rder to proou ie ananimity and aeeoiw tbe gr»ate*t good. They ahaU moroorer. transact aoeh uther bosine«a aa (he King ahall oamit to them.