Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCKAN'IC -SteamsMp Co Tlme Tal>le. LOOAL LIN^ S. S. AUSTRALIA. IniK Hc®j»ahi Hoaoiok frwn S. F, ror 3. F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 M*r. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 29. M*y 19 M*y. 26. Jane 16 Jan® 23 Throua;h LineFrom San Fran. for Syduey. Arrive Honolnla Alameda. Mari|«osa Alameila. M ‘riposa M»noirai Aiaiuoda Marīposa Mouowai From Sytluey for San Frandsco. Leave Honolalu. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA," j Another Invoice of the World . i Rcnowne<J FREDER!CKSBUSG LAGER Ou <Iranght and by Ihe keg. AIho, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS. FOH COC KTAILS may 1 3ms BEER .Mar 15 .Ai*r 13 May 10 .Jnne 7 ,July 5 • Aag 2 . Aug 2 0 Sep 27 Oct 25 > F. GERTZ. IIAS RE-OPKNLD U1S Boot & Shoe Store, Oppos te the CInb ' SUb!e ou Fort Street. and will be g.dd jto ī see ins old fnenda. may7-lf.

.Sans Sanci HDTEL»! m WAIKIKI, IIUNOLULU. Firsi-Class Aeeommooa tions for fourisis and lsland Guesis : SUP£RiQR BāTHIHG FACUJJIES, Prnat9 Cottages for FamilkS. 3JT. A, BUCPSOS.