Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I E. McI»xy^ ē L * — • , ( I 5IMP0ETEES /1® DF.ALEBS tS Groceries, P > i'C" , rLsion3 AXD I Feed, J EAST CORNEB 70RT A KISG STS. I - New GrOods Rec’d Bv every P*cket from lh( Easteni SUtes and Eorope. Fresh California Pni.oee by every steamer. All orders faithfully atteidtt t«. and Gonds delivered lo an}* part of the city ’KEE OF CUARGE. Island Orders Solicite.E ' t at?sfaction Goaranteed. Pcat Office Box No. 145) Telepho. io No. 92,

PACIFIC 8AL00N. Comer King ud Saaus Stx«ita. Er»\V, WOLTER.... Man»gef. The Pineal aeleenon of L1QUC KS *nd RV.V.R «old anjTrhere in ihe tovn. First-dass attend«aoe. C«U aad Jndp* for yoorself. no Sf-*1. ]STOTICE. DCRING my ahaenee from tho islandg, Mr. F. J. I OWRkY wi'.l act for me nnder full power of AttOCne%, nnd I will not re«ponsible forany bii s oontracted by «nyone else in niy nai ie. Mr. F'.*C. R< > H'K will attend Jaay >rdera left at the ehop. FRlTZ J. WILHELW. Honoluln, May 26, 12c-lwdly POL'ND MASTER‘S NOTICE. • ! Noliee is hereby given to all pewo i*. tl.at • there is at the Govomment Ponnd at Makiki, one aomel horw», 1 white legbrand»d VVO on the right hip: 1 sorrel horso wh te i forebead bran>! indiscribable; 1 ba.* horse ; wbit« spot on the forehend and b«c three white leg, brand (K) on the right hip; 1 bay j horse, white spot on tbe forehe;ul an i back, one white leg. branded v{P on the rijut hip 1 and JI on the left hiud; 1 bay mate. wh t« spot on the forehead and b»ck, tw>whit« , leg, brand indiscrib«ible; 1 bay marc, wh:te spol on tbe forehead and back, brarded JO on the left hind Ieg; 1 bay mare, wh,te forebead brand indiacnbable. peraon or pcrsons ownirg this horse are requested to com> and take the same on or before 12 o’elook no-m SATURDAV, JCNE, 4. 1894. J.\MES kukona, Ponnd Mastur. Uakiki, June. 4. 1894. jnne 4-lwk THE COMMERCIAL 3AL00N, Harry Klemme, Man<igor Cor. Nauann & Berttania sts. Honolaln, H. I. ( The Only Sport;ng Uonso in Town. O. E. B. a Specialitv. L0HENGRIN LAGER |BEER, Always on Dranght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CES*TS. 'Best of Wincs, Liquois, and Cii:ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jal tf NOTICE. At a meeting of the stock’joHersof the HOLOMLA FL BLISH INO CO. (Limited) held on tbe 25th inst, tbe f<>llowing pereons i were duly elected oflBcers fcr tbe |ensaing year: Chas. B. Wilsos President Fj>mum) Norbie. . Vice-Presideat G. E. Smithies Secietar> G. E. 8mithie3 TreūHartr F. J. Testa Atditcr BOABD OF MANAGCBSt C. W. A8hford, A. P. Pnv.Rsos axd F. Habbison. I G. E. SmI7HIK8. I Secretary.

TE^TTH Annual Meetinc| OF THE HAWAĪL'lN Jockev Club E | •» i I I I JUNE 11,1894 0 1 Offldal ProcTainmc CāT Races to Commencc i at 10 a. m. Sharp. \ lsr —BICYCLE RACE. Prize S!iver Medal; valued a, < $25. Enlianee fee 11.5*1; mile dash. Free for all. 1 ( 2— KALAKAUA PCRSE $100. j Running Race; 4 m 0 e d*-sh- | Free for all. ' ! 3— HON'OLULU PURSE $10C-. Trotting and Pacing, lo liar-- , ness; 2.40 class. Free f >r all. Mile heals; best 2 in 3. 4— R0SITA CHALLENGE CUP 1200 ADDED. • Running Race: 1 mile dr.sh Free for all. Winner ofcup to beat record of Angie A. 1;45$ 5— PRESIDENT WIOEMANN’* CUP, $75 ADDED. Running Race; f>rHawaiiar bred. \ mile dash. 6— JOCKEY CLUB PURSE $100 i Trottingaud Pacing, to harnesi Free for all. Mile heats; l»es‘ 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP C0’& j PURSE $100. Running Race; 1 mile dish For Hawaiianbred. 8— MAUI PURSE $100. Trottingand Pacing, toharresf 3 minule class. ForHawaiiar bred»_ Mile heats; best 2 iu 3 9— KAPIOLANI PARK PUR3E $125. Running Race; H mile dash Free for*all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PURSE $100 Trotting and Pacing, tc harness. For Hawaiian bred. mile heats; best 2 in 3. » i L fV~All entries are to |be m idi witb the Secretary, at the oSice o. ‘ C. O. Berger. on Merchant Slrje< , before 2 p m Wedneeday, June bth 1894, at whieh time tbey will ch»se. i j Entry fees to be 10 per cent. ot tbc | pnrse, anless otberwise specified. I — races »re to be rnn oi trotted nnder tbe rules of the J X- ! key Club. > All horsea »re expected tc start unless withdrawn by II : o'eloek ooon. oo June 9lh, 1894. fUT‘A\\ hor8cs mu?t sppear or | the track at the Up ot ;he hel from tbe Jndgee etaod; otber«is( thej will befined. 30 c?nt ! Gwd«Uad [atn] 30 e*a* aal | ; (nok ei m*um] m* I*-» • QUdsa f».ot W. M. GriffaixL f Hawaiivk Joekey Clal

Uemenī “*A3n> dm l bmg Laid. Estimatfs given2on*nilJki ad* ol doqcfete Wop^ Coxcb£ts i im. JTSO. F. B0WL2IB.