Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 Iune 1894 — THE II SAFE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A Good Mosting Asaare4 The Jockey Clab cbooses fco : | keep Tery sec ret in all matters relatiog fco tbe raees on tbe lllh. 'It is di£calt to leam why tbe ofBcials sboald take sacb astand; • The pablicati'«n of tbe fol!ow- ' ing entries w'll be appreciated ’ by all loTers o: sqaare and honest borse-raciag. There shoal<l be no family compact in tbis mea. ; Tbe entries is far as has been , learnedareas 'ollows—the nnmbers are according to priuted pn>- ' gramnje; 1— Jack A'kiason, Tommy ‘ Cammins, Wil ie Cbapman, Hy. Walker. Geo. l’aris. 2— Leilani, Loloknlani. 3— Fred. Mae, Bort Lee. ■1—Senatcr Stanford, Amorino. 5— Antonomy, Lolokulani. 6 — Sevada, Bart Lee Johnnv Hay ward?? 7 — Senator Stanford, Qneen L. j 8— Schnraan's horse and Rnbv « Dexter’s borse. 9__Senator St;infoi-d. Autouomv, Kaialaui. j 10 “ ? j It may be remonibered tliat • Loloknlaoi is now called Aliee H,: und that Kaiul.-.ni will appear on : the tmck as S.<rab H. Correc- ; j tions in tbe above statement will 1 ; be raade when the Jockey Club wakes up aud decides to do an j open business, ,vitbout partiality i to any person o: papen *