Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Alameda leaTes at 5 p. m. Albert Cnuhah»8 returned and will spend his racation here. Nipel Jackson is on board the Wilder: he bad qnito a job to | Land. Cousal Oeneral Wilder's disi>atches to Hatch oogbt to be bonnd in—calf. The G. Wilder and Dis-! covery arrivad this morning from San Francisco. The Clnb was bappy to see Starkey back this morning. He hs>s been roissed. • Dr D ty and Mr. J. L MeLean : weie among the kamaainas who hailed Hawaii to<lay. ' The Jane L Sanfonl left at no<in f >r San FranCisco nnd t>ok <jaite a mail frotn here. — The American Leagae meets tonight and will ehew the r«g.No i practical resnlts. Tomorrow an oj*en meeting. The ladies «re reqnested to | write a sbort story for the Para- j of the Pacific. For God s sake make it short. The Sun and Allianee Companiea who are interested in the eaae had called Captain Davies | as nn expert on marine matters. 1 The gallant Captain of the > Philadelphia killed his time yesterday in the conveution. lt is a wondor that he killed nothing else. The Al,imeda bad a very smooth tr ; p and nothing of any mnmeut was recorded on her j joarney. Captain Morse looks ■ younger than ever. . The Evangelical Associ«tion still meets. The reverend gdntle 1 men are having a conventiou of j of their own. and are raising h eaven generally. ! Captain W ilhiun Davies the well-known skipper and formerly master of the Claadine was on the stand yesterday in tbe W’ai-
manalo wrecking case. Mr & Mrs J. O. Carter retorned this morning on the Alameda, Mr Carter haa thorooghly enjo}’ed I his trip and is not a bit down cast by the alleged good d«ws for I tbe p. g. ; % ... I Tbe closing oxbibition of Ka* ; waiahao Seminary will be held in Kawaiahao Cburcb to-nigbt, at 7:30 pra. Admission 50cent. Tickets for sale at Lewers Cooke. Castle <t Cooke. Hawaiian News ;Co., Benson Sraith <fe Co., Tbrum*s and Manufactore's Shoe !Co. Tbe Revereud T. de Witt Talmage was a passenger on the Alameda. He preached tbis afternoon in tbe Central Uniou ; Churcb before a large audience of tbe fashionables. They were not quite as well dressed as the Cbristians «re wbohave fitled the pockets of tbis new St. Peter. The new bniiding whioh is to be constrocted by Allen <fe Robin- | j son h«s received a set back. T e government is disputiug the II titlc of some of tbe lands on | whieh tbe building is to be [ erecteii Tbe agents of Mr. ; Allen is npholding their elaim ! : and in tbe maanUme Tommy i | Lucas will be transposed into a politician again, and bang np his working man's clothes.
The Rer. T. de W«tt T*lmage 1 aud do. do. of the eame caliber were receired bv Her M-j-str in aodienee at W*ehington PUee. The ; rer. gentlemen were kiod enoug h i later on lo expreas Ihemeeleee j charmed *nd »urpri*ed wrth tbe appeannee of Hawaii’a Qneen. j Tbe educated (?) eoul — promoters ; probab!y thoughl that theQutsen of • Hawaii nwembied the portrait given of ’ er iu the “New York Sun ’ by ihe TiiursU>a, Hyde3īehop iaelioo. U ia to be boped ihat H«r Maj«at y waa a» P Ie«aioUy dmppointed im tbe arcb-fmod de Witt W»a*e. -