Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

The A<lvertiser who c*tchea * persons eye a<aally wic>« a costooier. M.my ditferent styles of advertising have been adoptetl aml with o»ore or less snccess, by the believers in the ose of printers ink. The ru«nnfactarers of Pears So«p. for instance. occasion ally buy paintings that bave been on exhibition in the Pari's Salou »nd have lithogn»phs matle frora thoin for the parpose of bringing tfaeir pnnlael before tbe peopie. In ad lition to snch side issaes, Pearspe«ds haudre<is tbousands of dollars annnally araong the uewspaj>ers and ruagaziues. Sorae vears ago the Agents : of certain artic!e ou sale >u New York mai'e a hit in advertisiug by having on Broadway during busiuess hours two fatluessly dressed Xegroes wearingvery highcollars. ion the b.icks of whieh w.is printevl “Use Sraitbs Pills.” The ide» w«s novel and the pnbiic , caught on. Kising Sun Stove Polish haa beeu kepl before the public f>r years tlirongb persisteut, and soraetiracs expensive l advertising. Tweuty o<ld j*e«rs ago tfae raannfacturers of this j polish started half a dozen men acrosstbeorniinentto paiut sigus on rocks and fences. Tfae Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales inore than five bundred per cent in two years by the use of priuters ink. Wo behevo we have been instruraeni tal in increasiug the siles of the Aeraotor by keepingoverlastingly at it in llawaii. 'M'e do not wish to say that «dvertising will sell any raanufjc- , tured article; there is no use spemling money iu advertising “eheap and nasty” gomls becanse the | eople will not be hoodwinked. lf HaTii.»nd Cbina was I not tbe superior aiiiole pt is, all i our advertising of it would not 1 have sold the thousands oLpieces tliat we have. We simply eall tbe attentiou of the people to it and rts superior quality is apparI ent to the customer directlv a : pieee of it is oxamined. Printers ink has hclped the sale | of tbe Jame« Locked Fenco but | it would not have donos so if it bad j been as flirasy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in buiiding it recommends | it to the plautatiou manager and ! then its durability elinehee the tbe sale If the stays and wash- ; ers cost as mueii as an ordinary redwood post our sales of the materiai wouid Tlot have reached | sucb enorraoos proportions. Our average salo of the Pansy Iron Stove is abont two a day the year round. If was not 'ihe best iron stove on the market we | wonld not seli thut many m six raonths. Advertisiug is tbe tip to ihe puhlie tbe good points in tfiearticie selis it jnst as tbe good • qua'ities of tbe Fischer Steel ' Range make it a desirabie article | for peoplo who wisb to eeonomiee I in the ose of fuel. i W e buy only what has proven ; good alter people in the U’nite<l States or £urope have given it a i trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are g*x)od we bay and seii them; if tUey are poor westeerclear of tbem. When ve »dvertise an article it is to att tract attenti'jn to it; the ne«spaper ; s the button we pasb, the salesman does tbe rest. Persistent adveitising coupled I with the srticia being a saperior | oue bas sold thoasamls of the : Frauk W«lcot Emory File. If it had been no better thsn an or- ; dioary scytLa stone wa probably | wonld not bave sold twenty. ! When a man finds out that his ; table knives m»y b« keptsbi>rp at | »11 times at an exponse of fifty oents »nd a very little efbow grease be is qnite «tlliug to try the expenment. Hania Hinm ei -