Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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1 i 1 Bi:U33ELS. May 23.--Tho mar- • riage of Priucess Josephine of 6elgiara to Piinee Charles of • Hohenzollern-Signiaringen took l plaee to-day. The eivil wedtling was held at 10 o’eloek. Fonda. (N. Y.,) May 27,-W. i J.-Arkell has jnst placed an Drder for a naptba yacht 72 f«et long and gaaranteed to rnn 35 railes sn honr The yacljt will contest , aguinst all comeib in any waters , aiid the first chullenge will be in . ■ March with Richard K. Fox's 1 new yacht for several thousand ! • do!lars to be paid to some New , i York charity institation. St. Thomas (Ont.,) May 26.— . The Qneen’s Own Rides of Toronto eame to this city yesterday to . join in the celebration of the Queen‘s birthday. Georgo J. , Wilds. United States consul, displayed from the wmdows of bis , j office an American d ig in honor j of the day. Some of the raembers | from Toronto tore the dag from j the staft'. I.oNOoN, May 25.—Jnstin i McCarthy, ehainnan of the Irish i rarliaraentary party, has issued J . an appeal to Irish people for aid to maintain for tbe rem>iinder of | tbe session the constant attendanee of the Irish members of i Parliament. Ile adds: “Without : a prorapt and generons response it is irapossible to prepare for tbe . general election, whieh cannot long be de]ayed.” LoXDoX, May 25.—Sir Donald | Stewart and Lord Wolse.Iey h»v« | beeu created Field Marsha!s. This is an exception.iī hon >r. PakI3, Mav 25. — Auarchist Editor HinauU. in Dijon. has been sentenced to two years in pnson «nd fined 2000 francs for having ■ poblisbed vn artic!e insnltingtbe army. 1 I