Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — THE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]

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w ise Men THEIR 130IJN'0S. Taesday. J une 5. AFTEBX0O5 SrS3loS. Tbe*convention reassembled at 1:30 in eonimittee of the whole Mr. Brown favor«nl tbe moiioi of Mr. Allen to make the resi«leDce for c:tizen > 'Lij> tbree yeais. Tbe Altorney-genoral {;ivort l one >ear. A Iotfjer tenn of ; rrbationary rasideace wouM lea i to tbe presence of a nmuber cf nliens who wouM be und»*r tbe inliueuee of otlier go»crnmeutii. He preferr»;d Jtbe prrsence e» tbose uho wouM 8| eedily j«»in us as cit;zen». a»id enter iuto ocr indnstries. Deiegate BaMwin beM tbat a strai:ger should bave. moie tliaa one year’s residence in whieh to make up bis miiM «bout j>eruirnent residence, aud tbcrefore favortd 3 years residence. Mr. Waterhonse favored2years Mr. Young was disposed to i favor 3 years. Del. Abies favored 1 year ia view of speedy anuexation. Del. Josepa thocght a man should bave 5 yeurs to make up his miud. Del. K muiakea favored 1 ye»r. Del. Kaliaulelio iueline.l to follow tlie lead of the Uuitel States whieh was 5 ye >rs. Del. McCaudlessfuvored lyear. Del. Oarter hehl the new coroeis sbould be givcn a weleoiue an l beiping hand und not keep them wuiting for years. In souae of the t5t.ttes the rights f citizei - siiip nre couferred afttr six anJ eveii fo’.r niontlis. theōyeais restriction in the UniteH Statts 1 auumnts lo nothing. For birose f he owned no allegiance to any | land but this, the oue of his , l>irtli; alwa vs exceptiug the natural htfection whieh every niaa owes to the lauu of his ancestors. Hawaiian citizenship may not V»e regarded as such a boon as to be worth years of waiting for. The subsection was passetl ut 2 years, on tbe ayes uud nays by i 17 to 10 v«’tes. Sabsection 2 pnssed as jiriuted. Subsection 3 Del. Vivas inoved I to insert in line, 0 after £ng!ish, ‘or any other Eompeau languiige ; cootendiug that it wouM be nn- ; fair todiscriajinate«gainst those. I who niight eome, becuuse i English being the only langn g • 1 they iuust know. Pres. D*de Lehl thnt Englisfi 1 is the nition.il langnage and ■ would be more so in t e futnr j I and the j>osition given to it hertr, . was reasouable aud necessar\. Hawaiiau is retaincd, because t j īs the Ianguage of the imtivet 1 ; To adopt the suggestion of Del. i Vivas wouM be lo discriiuinaL i i Hgainst Japanese and Chinese t coorse agaiust whieh those people I protested,and whieh niightiead t *! trouble whieli tbeg«>verumeutwere anxionsto avotd. Del. Vivas repl td that the j arguu>ent advanced was a jK>«*r one, as «11 comers weresubject t > | ; Ihe Iaws and the iuere k:.ow!edg? ! ; of £nglisb wouM nut inake aniuu ■ i a better citizen. Dol. tiitchcock eonhl not st i any gootl reason for insisting on Eng)ish. a mau may be just m good a citizeu who does not nn i j derstuud it. Ooancilk>r Emmeluih rooved t«> | refer it to a eomiu.Uee. Conncill >r En» ra< ved t> | < farther aroeud by ioserting ihe ; wonls “or Asiatic” (langhter). | Botb amemlroents were lost aml j the sobsection passe«l as printed. 1 i On read>ng subsecti<m 5, Conn- j ciilor Brown ask-d ihe roinister of F oreign At!airs if he is awam ; of any o( our existing treaties | providing for natarabz.-ition. Minister Hatch dul not know - of »ny. Connciilor Brown moved it bo : strnck ooL Del. Ables thongbt it woold b< be best to tbiuk and steep over it | Del. BaMwīo rooved th»t th« ! eomioUiee riss, report progmss i and csk )eave to again, whiei. , carrietl. f Tbe Presideut took Ihe chair, ! , •nd tbe cou>mittee reported. aod ; < on moiioo of Mmisfcer Hatoh —*, vbo fee)ingly tooched npon kke ? ,

; b* res*vetm*nt fco the f>a»!ly o? 3līn:sler Dimoiul—the Coaven- : lion adj< uroed n:'til 9 30 tod»v. * I 1 i Weunesd*y. June 6. »>RSIX6 Tbe ecuveotioD roet *t 9:30. Presideot Dole in the cbair. A?Wr pr»yer by the ehaplain. tbe secrtlary read the minntes whieh were appmved. The c*>r.rention baving msolvel itself iat» e -mmillee of the whoīe. th-? Fresi«lent eall Coancillor £rouieluth to tbe cbair. and the cons;demtion of snbsection 5, Art. 18, was resumed. Cfc»nnci.lor Brown moved tbat ti»e subs<fc-tion be stricken ont as it conld r»>t be shown that there w;>s ai»y benefit in retnruing it. T e app;-,rent intention was to keep out Asi«tics. but as verv few of them wooM be able to oomp)y with tbe conditions reqoired by tbe snbscolions fo)lowiug it there was no m-< d of it . Couneillor D. B. Sraith was not iu f.ivorof striking the clause ont \vitboat furtber coB.si«leratiou. Connci lor WiMer was in favor ofstrikingonttheclaose. It wouM not ouly exeinde Asiat cs but «il others. Del. Curter rooved tb.«t tbe Cinitse j«nss as j>rinted one valne «»f it \v,!s tbat uative Hawaiiaus vho wtre at present exc!uded fr>»m Ameiiean citizensbip l>y the laws of tbe United St«tes under tbis clause wonM baVo a ieci{)roc«! elaim. The cl«nse jias8ed. Subsections 6, 7, S and 1) passed. Subsec*ion 10 was passed after beiug aiuended bv President Do!e by icse:t.ng. after tlie word “forth” iu liue 3ō ‘ L»is eoiupliauee witb." Article 19 Denizeus. Counci lor Brown moved the entire articie be str eken out. Snch prii.ciples as that pr«>j>osefcl bere was anknown elsewbere, «ud m«jnst to those wbo heeauie bonefio'e settlers. Counciiior Wilder did not see the neeil of the art:cle and moved reference to tlie Judiciary eoiumittee wbicb cairied. Article 20. Division o( Powers of Government, was j»assed. Article 21, £xecutive Oonneil. sectiou 1 t.« 4 passed. i Del. Ci rtff j»roposed t«> add a new section. to be nurabereil as lollow: ‘ That wbenever rfcqueste<l tti do so by tbe President anel ttiree of ibe Cal>in«>t, a iuinister sliall res gn —tb.s g»ve rise too iiiueli d«bate. Rej>. B'<betson tl)«mght if tbere \\as any me»niug in the j)hrase »“family 5oiup>ict," this amemlroent woi l«l pla\> iuto its hands. Conncillur Brown lieM that no “ snch |>ow-*r aiiouiil be conferred as tli:>t j)iojvosed, to be given tbe Presifcleut auil three «f the Cal> ; i et to remove a colleague. Del. R««bertson ooosi«.lered that the proposed amendment destroyed the symetry of the constitntion. The St*n.i(e whieh is j*ract cally tiie aj>j>oititing p>wer ; »hould d**ciile the inatter. Coaooillor Br«>wn’s motion to onmiuit the ainenomeni to the 1 Execntive cummittee, was lost. | Moved by Rep. Carter that consider«tion of the snbsection . be deferr«»d to Friday. Waterbonsa moved that the 1 resolntiou be laid on tbe tabl« I Del. Carter did not tbink the subject slould be disj»osed of in ; tho w y, tbe 16 nieinbers wbo ; voted were eutitled to a further he;iring. Del Ables beld that as the coin*uitte«» w«s near)y evenly j ; divided tbat it shouM not be | j snm riiy dispose<l of. Tue molioa to make tbe resoln- | ; tion a special order of tbe. | day for Friday was loal Del. C.«rter «ithdrew the | 1 proj>osed subsi»ction. The eommiUee took a recess. to 1:30.