Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — FIERY COURT MARTIAL. [ARTICLE]

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INDIGNANT TIN SOLDIER George C ! n His Dlgnity. A soldier witboat buckrara is iiko charajx gne witbout fiz; anJ an ollicer titbout tlie proper ' amonnt of J gnity is a tarae goat unJer pump. Keasooing thusly leJ t<’ au event that fireJ tbe e;*aulett< J arJor of an c*tticer —whom »e sbali eail Lieutenaut Roo— to Laui up » Non. Cora. whom we wi i Jub for the nonee, Sergeant D. e; heeauae tho saiJ Doe, JiJ feloniously auJ with mnliee aforei bonght, walk, sneeze hiiJ look •«traight to hīs frout, iustead of i ver his shoulJer in the Jirect!o i of Lieutenant Koe, i aiid therefor • the feeliugs of the sanl ofliscr wme hurt. and tl.e | aothority of tlie provisional gov emmenl was set at nonght auJ its , : Jigmty ibfi- J, forasmuch as the sanl Sou. Ci ui. fai!ed to bend his i ann anJ plaee his fiuger and thumb at tl e proper dcgree of latituJe ovi r his nose, as by reg latiou p ov.ded. The Serge int pleadeJ gnilty to j tho charge sud apologized. It was m*t inte itional. They had heen up till the wee sma hours, may bo raking chips, aud the moraent for au eye-opener was just at hanJ. lt was then heU by the Comt that the JefenJaut j having conf ‘sseil to a criuie so ! Jeiuor.tlisin{. , they woaU hear the otl'eudeJ coraplaining ofticer. j riie prisoner haJ confessed and ' , they nmst now take eviJence to I ! prove his g iilt. It took some i time to cor viuce tho ’ , Court'’■ that such a courso was absnrJ. { However th • farce was exteuded ) into a verJi *t of reducing Ser- | geaut Doe to tlie ranks; the j greatest pi:nishuieut—next to | beiug ehoi— that oau be iutlicteJ | ion u soUieAs the ofticers i constitutiug this Coort deserve ! to be imraorlalizeJ, we give their i naraes. Tbcy are Lieuteuants | Coyoe, Emmeiulh aud Wall; with I Captaiu Cai iura ks JuJge advo- ! cate.

Tbe comj l«iniug offieer was | Lieutcn«nt C «>orgo King and the I uusalutiug calprit who was sen- j te»u>ed to tl e lowest ignoinouv aud degr.ul.ttion reserved for heuioas crmi s. w«s st«tf armorer i Jobnsou. It is 8«>ine consol«tion to know that «s Coloi el Soper is a man of at le«st avor»ge eommou sense he I had power to interpose in this i ; tinpot Auml >ur Judge and jurv l>usiness, »n 1 the curtuin fell ou

tbe fan'e bv Col. Soper sqaasbing tbe whole pruceedings and vind:catiug he ontr<«ged dignity of tbe o Hcer only by finding tbe oHender « ne dollar. It was f >rtunate that Col. i Soj>er retun ed jcst in time £n save Johnsoi-. from kicking over | his se.nteuce to such a degree as ; to eali for a second Coort martial wbicb wouid bave senteoced bim to be sbot sure. lt is but j> st to say that the Judges wen* not, it is said, uaauin)OUs; bu: as such militaiy Court is swoi j to secrecy, it may aevor be fo. ud out who is tbe cbief idiot 01 Bombftstes Fartoso of tbe lot.

Mujor Sewc.rd is in lowa again after rosticaring one week fti Waimana'o.