Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Japanese Emigration. [ARTICLE]

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Japanese Emigration.

It »s and* rstool tli.it Mr. K.W. j Irwiu proceede«l to Jnpd»D by the j G«clic yest««rda\ f»*r the pur|*i>se | of furt!ier wir«u<;cinent« 1 f««r tho iutro»hictiou of Jaj»«uese I * • I l«borers. It «ill l>e remembeml \ thnt «1 out 1,2tK) em>v>r«uts \rill arrive hcr*.' on or «l>out »he 15th j inst by the Mi;ke Maiu. and it i is r«thcr surpnsiup to lc«rn that |, «nother eontingcut will be iicjjo- | ti«t< d for especi«llv ns the oonstitntional con\cutiou has not yet i exj>resscd its inteutions in rep«nl 1 to the ci\ il «Uudtng of tlie J«p-1 «uese resideuU in H«w«i».

All «*uiitr;*nts fn>iu «l.ipan are direcllv umler tlie contn>l of tlje Jajwnese goverai&ebt Tbe eniigratiou regulations are evtretneiy »trict, aud it is easv to see that % * the lu)j>erial governiuei.t iutends | to iosiat in b»v-ng its subjecta in ' foreign cont)trits tro«ted accord- 1 ing to Tn*aty stipniations. Tbe j latest In>perial Onlimuee is o!! interest to Hawaii. Ord:nance i No. 42. »hicb deals with regula- I tiona to pn»tect Imin (tbe emi- | grating Iabor«r) proTided in Ar- i ticle IV. tbat “an i.nin «bu I e<uigrates vritbont tbe iot«iTention ot /i nin Tvria(fiiLxt.'ni n (tbe aa(bor.sc‘d ag ?nt) hm*f i*e nqaired tu uppoinl sureties of not less tban t*o pc rsous at the time of issaiug tbe p«ssport. wheo tbe eomiiiion oJ the plaee of emigntiion m dtemtd to reg»ire it."

netded f«r as Hawai» w««concemed. bnt uuder ex»stiog c»remaj»tanee* the Oniīnanee ba» been ameud(d by tbe followisg Notification No. 2. “/ain, wLo, ln«ccordafcee with Articl« IV. r f tbe Regolat»nn8 f«>r Protect»ng ī nin. pr>mnlgHte«l by the Impenal ()rdinance No. 42 of the 27th ye rof Meij». em ; grate to the foIlov ing places sbul! be reqnired to rppoint surities: (1.) The Unit«d St*tes of Nortb Aroer : ca. (iL) C«nala. (3 ) AmLmlian lslauds. (4) Hawui. «Icrsr MiNEMiTsr. Ministerof 5* tate F<'r»*ign Atf«irs Coi .\t I\ote Kaobc. M nister cf State Huiue Atfairs. Th:s not.fi;ation wjil make tbe further ero»gration of Japanese verv d ffieult We sball »n a e >mmg issue pu »!ish the rfcgulations n«>w m f )rce for the special ben- ♦ fit of the «onv«ntion aud the elieap labor demandir.g j>Unters.