Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 Iune 1894 — Hawaii's "Blue" Laws. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaii's "Blue" Laws.

.* pn-«t «loni c>f 5n<lipnati«n and a cr«-*t u« nl of 8orpri«® have lx eo cr«' «t. «l am »ng all tli«' iliaft of th« ao-ealleil n> « coii8titutioli 'vas |>ubli8hed. .r.f«r«i> j.h in>trniucnt ha8 be«n t«nj;fc«l m «lid€rent wav» an«l the «dj«'ctive8 of »>com and contempt .>< d m conuection witli it have been sai»eroos. The descri} t;on of thia non-descript docnmeDt Las J>e«*n coucentrate«l l.y call)Bg it M»«sionHry. Onee upon h tin»e tlie M «si«n Hri*rH n»»de c«>ii-t»tution and law» f«»r tl»ia K>ugdum. l*nder th« reign «>f Knn« l nmeha the III the el«b r J;»dd aiul «>thor patriota made ah«t thev i* «lled *»uitablo 1 laws for the co»mtry even as the younger Ju«UI «ioea today for hi- g«'»»«*ration. The so-c.illed • b n«' b«Wh of H .naii ltavo been f,>rp .<> .1 f.-w arr the men. wh«» ol'iei |>>i-- -- ,i copy of tl»em , r r« »i.«o i> > liie contentft of then». 11.o HuLoUl'a |>ropoftfc» to re»>nbiish t!ifc »h«dfc eollection Mn«l on «»»»r f«»arth |>«ri will be fonud tiie b«*ginning of tl»ose notorioi»M la >.•.-, whiel», wiil be c«>ntinn«?d Tl»e constitu- ' lionii) co»ivi ut ion ean read tbe "blue” laws rt»lt. Hdva»»tage. It neeiiiM t<> iis who are f«miliar witl» them lhut the proj>osed ! «lr.*ft of a new c- n-titutn>n uow i j i- -iented t-.thfcco«»uk»y n»uat have lx > u base«l t-> n «M » tain ertent on ; th« «;on»litution of 1>S4U rather ; tli n on tli<- coufttitutionft «>f more , »>•(■«■ ut ilni«,vs aml nn iU-m ideas. . The missionarifcs who f«itl»ereil i tlie co»istitutioii a»id iaws of fifty I vears ago have pnsfted away. Th«*ir s«>us and «1i*soendantH are to<! «v try»»>g to f-*ster similar laWM aud a ai'.uil r cnast»tntion i on tl»e j)fci>j>!e of H«waii. They : f>>»gfct that dunng the fi fty yeara j goneby Hawaii uml lhe Hawmiians huve i>rog» inciviIiz.ttionand j kuowletlge. Auy alLmpl to turu ; back tlu* wheel of history wi|l be ' resfcute<l iiikI jirove futile. The »uws iiiiw rej>rodaced are i worthy of a c.ir«>ful study and j sbo»i!d lu- pn-served by ull who j l»Mve iut« »fcst in Hawaii and tl»e | bistory «>f tho j>fcojde. £»oorigin- j al coj>ies ean be j>rocored and tl»e ! «‘ut< rj>i ise «<f the HoLompa in ; nhowmp the *‘love nnd good will ! of tl»e first inis-ioua» ies ti.rough ; tbeir woik as h-g slutnrs sbould be a| j>ifc« iat« d. Ti,e |>ublishing : «,>f th«- whole woik will j>rfcsuu»a blv be tiuishfcd iu ltss than one ! luonih.