Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T H EĪ A^w/\^ded. Anheu 3er-Busch Brewing Co. Wu« the Pr ze at the \V o:’lcrs 3T air wit h their EAGLK Brand Beer. Jst. Locis. Ocr. 28, 1893. Mks8B8. Mactvrl.v>'e <t Co., L’d , Hoaolula, H. I. Df<ir Sir*: —Wo hav« mailo l yon v copy of the Glohe-Democr\‘ aunouncmg t: o grent victory \v >n . tii • AX!i;-:asEH-B08H Asscci; - tiox with thei. “EAOLL" Lniui ut Lteer. E^J[Signed] . \NHEUSER-BUSH LEWINO; ASSOCIATION. I S! £ <s? ADT & I» r--K & ri ■ / * N; V. * RiStffc In onloring tbis Beer bcsure toask for the “EAOLE’’ Bran.l \Xacfarlane & Co., M.*r. 14 —2ud. A<jents for Haiuuiian Idands. Robinsov•, Block, Holel St., helween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Eeceivtd, jer 1 ote Anii&ie, tLe I&rgest S(cck of FUE’. N1TU.1E Ever lmpOrted to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sst& In Solid Oak, andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO THESE SETS: WICKER WARE, Bea it ful Des ; gns of Wick 3 r Ware. consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS. EOCKEliS, etc., vou ean get these in ai y F1NISH vou desire. CHAIRS, Countless nun.bers of CHAIRS, in overv stvle, including OFFICL and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLi We bave bad .» number of calls for tbase Tables, with CHAIKS :uatob. We bave now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sidebc ards and -:- Chifibnierti PDIVANS.-a Divans coverei with PORTIERS are becoming quite the rage it Elaee of LO JNGES—we maoufactare them to order, and havt t nge stock ol PORTIEUS to seLct from. BE3D3DI2STO--Gre\t Assortirent of WOVEN WIRE MAlTRESSES—Spring, Ta.r Moss, Wool rnd Straw Mattresses on baud and raade to ordt r L1VE GEES: FEATHEKS and SILK FLOSS !or Piliown. CBI JS. CRADLES. etc. WlNDOW SHADES of all colore aad aiaee. CORMCE PUL£S, in wood or bnss triomings. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Fumitare repeirod i. reasonable ntes. CABIN£T MAKIN6, in all its branches, bj Co«peaent Worlm< r iMAXTIN6 LA1D and Iot-rior Deoorating ooder Ū» Saperris)on t “ 0£0B6S OBDWAY. Oor GockL* are F rst CLaa, and our priooa are the lowwt Coic tn 1 is »>licited. TUJCF80XCS; Matoai 645. a pn«TKR Bltmfc,Tnl»«i Fnit ieJ »