Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, I Stevedoro Wrecker. F-STTJIATE-S \XD COX rSACTS OX ALL KI>*r« OF VVOEK. The Schoooner M.-.II1MAHI, wiU nin m.aUrir betwe«3 tErs port im Wiulu, Ritrulup>ii, Mokileu, Keaa-ena •ud Kniki »a tbe isLtnd of 3«ha. For Fmght, etc , »j*pi v t j CapUin. Inquire ftt OfSc* of J. S Vr;iiker, ov r Snreci«*ls' Bank, jor Wrigbt Bro? Fort Str»*et.i dec 16-rt Long Brancli BATH IN G Estabiishnent. This First-class Bathmg Resor has been enlarged and is nov open to the puhlie. It is th« , best p!ace on the ish nds to enjo} a bath and the«re i« no better plaee to lay oli. Sp> euii aeeom modations for Lailie?. Tramcam i pass the door every i*aif houranc on Saturdays aud Si ndays even • fifteen minutes. i e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor DAINIī’PONi } Hotel street (Arlington Block.) j The abore Store hiis r.•oeived anolhtr Sp'eudit1 Inrol*w of I 1jIaPANESE j5iLK, ANC Y poODS, I Per S. S. “Ct.ina.” |- • I —COMI*BISIN« — BEAUT1FUL SIL* ;Ar. f D CRAPE, ; Dress Ooods in all shnde, jrliin and li"nivd. ( Cushious, Table Covers, BedCovers, Caemisea, Shawh. , S3k tepe liaioiiow Silks, AU Colors Faccy D.*rperies, EIBROĪDEBED | HARD!IEECHEF!i | DoilUes, Scarfs, 8ashes, Jackets, Ca)st, Itc.. Eto. NOVELTIES: The rrices of these Goods \ -ill ostouish j on, j iadadtng ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N08! Hamlaome Cigarette C.tan, Fiu Cn jiions, Silk l'ea Cosaiea, I LIKUE 1M) SXiLL Jt?iSESE Kl«S ; Silk Cnjlirellas, li«ht bat stror>g; Chair S«ddles, Siik; Bamboo Bliuds, fit»ed -rith puUeva; Silk Lamp Shades, ue«- styfe. JAPANE.SE SCKEEN>. From »3 l p. ' LAHGF. JiPi>'ESE l' IBKELL1S I Can be 8et withlVe In the groand. nioe for Pīouiea or Lanoh « oat of door». they ean be opened oat or used aa a tent. COTTOX CUAPES IN GREAT VAR'ETY k/ Iasp*otion Bespectfalr- Iavit«d. MRS. J. P. P. eOL aAOO, l^mpnelpe»*. AprI3-3mi> Dr. Ed. Armitage, X. R, C. S. FEng-3 L. R. C. P. (Lond.] D. P. H. (Uns»««tT of Cac pbrīdg*J, l»te ni Wkimoa. 1<U»J <.t Kaaaī. I C ri KSTABLISHED HniSELT IX TKE oSm f >nneriT oeenpHN by Dr. Fi o.e. Mnu uf B i>Uau aod Pn:.chtowI — OFFICE HOUDS: — lttlluB.:tto4pjB.;; kiipa. 8niU¥t! 1 to 4 p.m. B«tul T*L SM (my3> T«LBril Lf)