Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAH’8 “ BLUE ” LAWS CONSTITUTION and LAWS Frsnnecl bv t le Missionaries. AMERiCAN PRINC!PLE> as they were Taught the Hawaiians FIFTY Years Ago. Mi5siona:i53 Then, l£is5ionaries Uow, NO CHANGE. XrLtexe3tii3.gr St*o.d.3r. COXST LTUTIOX. It is onr design to regnla e our Kingtlora according to the above prii.ciples and thas i-eek the greatest prosperity, botb of «11 the cbiefs and all tbe people of tbese Hawaiiau Island*. Bot we are aware that we cannot, oui-selves alone, accomplisb sucb an objecl. God raast be onr aid, for it is His province alone to give j erfect protection and prosperitv. Wherefore we first present oar aupplieaiion to Him that He wdl guide ns to rigbt mea; nres and snstain us in onr work. lt is, therefore, our fixed d« cree: I -Tbat no law sball be enact«d whieh is at variance witb tbc Wonl of tbe Lord Jebovab, or at variance with tbe genen»l spirit of His Worl. All laws of tbe Islauds sball be m consisteucy witb tbe ;©ueral spirit of God’s law. II.—All nien, of every religion, sball be protected in worsbipping Jebovah, and serviug Him, nccording to tbeir owu unde»staudiug; bnt no man sball ever be punisbed for ueglect of God uoless bc injnres bis neighbor, or bring evil on tbe Kiugdom. ill —The law sball giv< redress to every man who is injnred by auotber without a f »uit of bis own, and sball protect all men while they conduc proj>erly, and shull p’iuisb all naen wbo coramit crime against lbe kingdom or ngninst in dividuals. and no uuequal 1 iw shall be passed for tbe beuefit of oue to tbe injury of anot >er. ]V. —No inan sball be p iuisbed unless his crirae be first inndo raanifest, neitber shall he be pnnished nnless he be first bronght to trial in the >resence of bisaccusers and th©y bavo met faco to face, and he trial having been conducted according to law, nnd tbc enme raade manifest in tbeir presonce, tben punisbment may be infiicted. No nian or chief sball be permitted to sit as judge, or act on » jury to try bis particu »r friend (or enemy), or one wbo is esp<cial!y connected wtb liim. Wberefore if any man be condemned oi acquitted and it sball nfterwards beraade to appear, that some one v bo tried bim acted witb partiality for tbe purpose of fuv< ring bis friend (or injuring bis enemy), or for tbe pnrpose of euricbing bimself, tbeu tbere sh«ll a new trial aliowe< before tbose wboare impartia!. EXPOSlTION OF THE riHNCIPLES ON WH1CH THE PRESEKT D' NASTY 1S FOUNDED. Tbe origiu of tbepresent system of polity is as foilows; Kamehaineha I was the (>under of tbe Kiugdom. aud to bira be!onged »11 tbe lan< , from one end of tbe Islands to the otber, though it was not bis private property. lt belongod to the cbiefs an 1 people iu eoiumon, of wkom Kamehameha 1 wns the beid. and h <d tbe management of tbe laiuleil prt»perty. Wh< refore. tbere was not formerly, and is not now, any j»er»on who couid or ean convey away ihe smallest iH>rtion <»f l«n l w thout the c>>nsent of the oue who bad or bas tbe dircctu n of tbe Kingdora. These «re tbe j»ersons vbo bad tbe direction of it from tbat time dowu. Kameb«m< ha II., Kaahumaua I., and «t tiie present time K <moba ueha III. These persous b«ve bad tbe (linu'iiou of tbe kii gdom down to tbe present lime, ami »11 tbe documeuts wnt en by tbem, and no otbers are tlie documeuts of tbe kingdom. The k ngdom is j»erin«n< ntly confirmed to Kamehameha II!.. and lns beirs aud hii beir sbail be the f»eraon whom he aiul the chiefs shall a »point, duriug his life time, but 1 should there be no appoint nent, then tbedecision shall rtst i with tbo chiefs aud bouse tf Representatives. PREROGATIV £S OF THE KING. Tbe prerogatives of the King are as follows: He is the ! Sovereign of ail the peopl» and ail the chiefs, Tbe King <lotu is his. He shnll h«ve the dir» ction of tbe army «nd all the implements of war of tl e Kingdom. He also sball bave the direotion of the goven.ment property, the poll tax, the land tax. the tbree <lays monthIy Iabor. tbough in conformity to the laws. He also sl all retain his owu private lands. aud l«nds forfeited for tbe l on p«yment of taxesshall revert to him. He shall be the Cbief Judge of the Supreme Coort, and it sball be bis dutv to execi te the laws of tbe land; also all decre©e aud treaties with «ther couutries; all. however ; in aocordance w ith the laws. It shall also be hia prero;;ative to form treaties wiUi the rulers of all other kingdoms; alao to receive ministers sent by other couotries; and h< sball have {»ower to confirm agreements with them. ITa shall also have pcwer to make war in time of emergeocy, when tbe chiefs eam ot be assembled, aod he sfaall U the comroander in ehie;. He ahall also have power to transaot all important busiteasof ihe kmgdom whieh m not bv law as«igned to otbers. 1 « *