Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PACIFIC SALOON. CcnuT Kisg and Saa*sn StzeeU. ED\V. WOLTEB....M*nager. Tbe Finest select*on of L1QU0BS «nd BESR, ao!d anjnrhete in Use town. First-clds* htwad*ace. C«I1 anl Jno£0 for j"ourself. no 80-*i. NOTICE. DUR1XG iry ab«ence frcm the >8landt>, Mr. F. J. IOWR h.Y will act for me under fall po»rer of Attornet. and I will nol re8P*>ns;ble for any billa ccntracted bv nnvone clso in my name. Mr. K.'C. R<) H'K will attend to >ny orders left at the «hop. FKiTZ j. Honoinlu, May26, 12:>-lwūly P0l>ND MASTER’S N0T1CE. Notice is bereby giren to all perscus, t!iat ! tkere ia at the Goverument Ponnd at 51a- ■ kiki, one sorrel horse, I white leg branded VVO on the right hip: 1 sorrel horve white 1 tor» lieau bnmJ indiscnbable; 1 b»y horse i white spot on the forehead uuJ back, turee white leg, branJ (K) on the nght hip; I bay horse, wbite apot on the foreheud at.d inek, ■ one white leg. brunde<l jjP on the r ght hip ,aud JI on the !eft hiud; 1 buy mar», white ! spot on the (orehead and bock, two w*jite ; leg, brund indiscribttble; l bay man , woite spot on the forehea>l and buck, bra.ided JG . on the left hind leg; 1 bev niure. white foreheud brand indiscnbable. Any person or persona owmi ig this | hor-v- are requested to ooo e rnd take the same on or before 12 o’oleek nton ; SATUKDAY, JUSE, 4, 18W. JAMES KUKONA, , PounJ Ma*<er. Mttkiki. June, 4. 18!U. jone 4-lwk THE COMMERCIAL SALOON, Harry KlemmE, Managcr Cor. Nauana & Beretmia sts. lloaolula, H. I. The Only 9port'ng Houre in Town. O. I 3 . S, a Speciality. LOHENOKIN LAGER |BEER, Always on DrJiaght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CEN'TS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Ciiars, ALWAYS ON HAM*. jnl tf The “ Eagle Houee ” Poi 3ALE. The Lease and ihe Good T f*ill of this Favorite Famiiy Hotel . THERE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottages annexed to the Hoiel snitable f.»r priTjte f toiilir9. The maln bnilding contr ins 20 Bed Kooms larg« Dining Roora. Parlor, etc. The (nroit* rt is all 1 and >n g »od eonlil :*n. Tbe Groun>la «re beautifuUy !aid out in Trees, Fioweis, Ferna, aod other Planlh. Tbis bnsiuess ean bebr>c ght at a barg*in on easy terms as to pjymeni. Apply io T. E*KROUSE. Arliugton Hotel office. may 9-tf
I NOTICE. At a m«eting of the stockholdenof tbe HOLOHUA PUBLISH , ING CO. (Limited) held oo the . 2ōth ineL, tbe follo«ing {«enooa vere duly eleeted officen for *he ’ ensoing year: Cfua. B. Wil*os Pr*eid*nt F<dmvm> Noeeie .. Vice-Preeid2nt ,, G. E. Smithies Secreiuy . G. E Smzthies Tr3a»crer 9 F. J. Tbsta Aoditor * BOAS2> 0F MAKAOEKā: C. W. ASBFORZ>. A. P. PtTERSOS asd F. Hauuom. Q. E. 8aarazx8.