Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Seriously Injured. [ARTICLE]

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Seriously Injured.

— : D&n. Vida met with sn accsdent ' vesterdav aftemoon, mt 5 o’eloek. ' whieh mmy prore Tery serioas to the popalar yo3ng boy. In riding a yoong oolt oot of tbe Uoion Feed Co.’symrd, the girth of his • smddle broke. and in trying to keep his seat Dmn. pnlled tbe • reins too tight—tbe howe reared and losing ita 'ialmnee went orer, crushing the :mfortanate rider. | The yoang min was taken to hU i home, on King s?reet. in an nnI conscions state,anJ was promptly attended to by Drs. McGrew and Emerson, wbo vrere within reach when the accideiit occarred. Later in the evening he recovered : hisconscieuce, aud the physicians expressed hope for his recovery. To-day he has been resting eompardtively easy, and it is bebeved tbat his chest is not injured se- I rionsly, but tb;J the m *ia hurt is to his head. })octor Miner, the f,iraily pbysicīan, togetber with his two abov«-menlioned eol-| Ieagaes. are d->ing all in tbeir , : power to roliev; the ! er. Dan. Vida is weil and favora- | bly known as a steady aud iudas- ' trious young fellow, ai.d tlie ; commauity extends tbe deepest sympatby to hiui and hia family. ,