Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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I Tim Mamy aod tbe Bolietin j tre not agreeing very well. Tbe Hawaiian Erangelical Aseociation meet this aftemoon. — The Portogaese now love the p. g. They are virtualiy disfrancbised. Enterprise beer at the Mer- J ; ehani'a £xchange is a good en- I terprise. — CapUiu Kibling's residence on Fort 8treet was so!d at noon. j It was bonght by Oapiain Chlney for #1.625. The Post Office is being renor- ; ated, Why not bni!d an addition &t onee instead of tiukerng ! on the old structnre? ; MersrsG. K. Wilder and A. j Rosa were accompanied by their i respective wives on their official trip to the Maui Jary term. — The faneral of the late E. C. j Dimon took plaee yesterday at 4 o’eloek, and was attended by manv of the frieuds and acquain- j tauces of the deceased. lt is regretted that Harry Klomme did not get a seat in the convention. He would have reprcsented Commercial interests in the true mcaning of the word. It has boen suggested to eall i the constitutional convention by another name. A convention to fr«me a penal code would proj bably be tho most correct term It is reported that the famous Neoker lsland idols have beeu sold and will be shipped from tbe conntry. So mueh for the patrioti ism of the Museum and governmeut men. The Alaroeda is slx days out from 8an Farncicos tbis afternoon. If she does as well as the Oaelie she will be in before dark and then there will be a concert at the Hawaiian Hotel. Delcgntes Kalua and Pogae, left for Maui yesterday. Kalua doesn't believe iu giviug reasons j for his sbsence from the Convention. Nobody want roasons, thoy all waat him to stay away Altbough tbere is no R. in the mouth, the Oysters at the Anchor are still in the most excellent condition, and one of Billy Cunningham’s cocktails is a preventive against bad etiects of tbe hot weather. The American League meets for closed doors tonight and tomorrow night. On Friday, a meeting for open doors will be oalled. There will be a tboroagh j discnssion of the merits (?) of the ' new constitution. ► I l j , H. A. Juen has purchased the ’ i Pool and 6illiard parlors on \ Hotel street, formerly occopiad 1 bv J. P. Bowan. Juen will eon- ) / ; tiuue the business,and he invites . his frieuds and all lovers of the : eue to try a game on his excellent [ I tabies 'j James 8teiuer the famons proprietor of the lee Cream Par!ora, . was fined tlve dollars (15) iu the f>oiice conrt for viol«tion of the ) 1 Sauday Uws. lt seems tbat he broke the Sabbath by selling * i sweets l«st Snndav. He will 2 ; probablv apj'>eal. i): 5 i The exercises of the Kawaiahao | Seminary wili take plaee at tbe 5 church tomorrow evening at 7.30 ; o'elook. The programme is prinied elsewhere. The entertainment is well worthy ol being patroni*ed. and it is expected tbal «H ii frieuds of Hawaii will tnrn out in : i i«iL S i ■■ i ——— II J it j The entries for the r*ce-meet- * | ing to take plaee oo the lltfc iu«t closed tkis afternooo at 5 u ; o’eloek. Qaite a uomber of eu u tries were xnade. Tbe resolls will m I be pablished toraorrow.‘ , Diekey’ £; waa around with a big roll ol ū ; eoin. Parhape "Whiakon’’ wii « go in after «U.