Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 132, 6 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tbe Aiirertiser who catche« « j»ersons eve ns j*llv wins a costo!«er. H%nr Ji9erent sty)es of a«lvertisiii£ h.-tre been adoptet) «ud witb raore or less snccess, by the believers in the nse of printers ink. The mannfjcturers of P« ars So«p, for instance. oeeaaion ally bnv paintings that bave bcen on exhibition in the Pari’s S ilou aii i have lithographs maile fioru theni for the pnrpoee of bringi'ig tueir product before the j»eopie. In ad lit'on to snch side issues, Pcar spends handreds tlious-inds of doitars annnalU’ ainong the newspajiers and magazinea. Sorac ycars ago tbo Agents of on sale in New York m.»i'e a hit in advertising by having ou Broadway during busiuess Iiours two fatluessly dressed Negroeswearingvery high collars. ou tlie b »cks of whieh was printod **Use Smiths Pills.” The idea w,»s noveI an»l the puhlie ! c,mght ou. Ilising Sun Stove Polish bas been kept bofore tbe puhlio for years throngh j>ersistent, and soraetime3 eipensive ' advertising. Tweuty otld years ago the mannfacturers of this polisb started half a dozen nien acrosstho oruiuieut to paini signs 1 on rocks and feoces. The Aerraotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales more than five I bundred j»er cent iu two years by the use of printers ink. We believo we have been instruraeutal in increasing tlie sjles of the i Aeraotor by keej(iugeverlastingly ! at it iu llawaii. We do uot wish to say that advertisidg will soll auy iuauufactured urticle; there is uo use spending money in advertising "eheap and nasty” goods bocaase the people will not be hoodwinked. lf Haviland Ohina was not the superior article ,it is, »11 our advertising of it would not i have sold the thousandsof jneces j that we buve. We sitnply eall the attentiou of the people to it : and its suporior quality is apparent to the customer directly a j pieee of it is examincd. | Printers ink has helj>ed the sule | of the James Locked Feuce but ; ;t would not h.»ve dones so if it had - been as ilimsy as the or dinay wire : feuce. First; the econoiny tbere is in buiidiug it recommeuds 1 it to tho plautation munagor and ! tben its durability elinehea tho the sale If the stays and wash- ! erscost as mueh aa an ordinary | redwood post oar sales of the rauterial would nut have reached j such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Ir((U Stove is aboat two a day tbe ; year round. If was not the , best irou stove on ihe market we wouid not seli that many m six : inonths. Advertising is tbe tip to tbe pnbllc the good j>oints in i theartic!e seils it just as the good | qnalities of tbe Fissher Steel j Uauge make it a desirable article ; fi>r j>eople who wish toeconoraise l in the ose of fuel. We boy on!y what haa proven , gootl after people in t)ie United Slates or Euruj>e have given it « trial; we j>rofit by their experiuce if the articles are guood we boy aml setl them; if tuey «re poor we »teer cle«r of them. When we «dvertise an article it is to attr&ct attentiun to it; the newsj»aptT '1 the botton we posb, the 3alcsman does tbe rest. Persisteot advertising conpled witb tlie «rt:cle being a saperior one hos sold tboosands of the Frank*Waleot E.oory File. If it had been oo better than an ordin.»iy scytta stone we prob«biy wonld not have suld twcnty. Wheu a m*n fiuds ont that his table Luivu» may bu kepi sh>rp at ah timcs at uti expense of fifty ceuts and a very liUle elbow greHse he isqa»te wiiiing to try ihe expertuiont. īte Savau Barivare & 807 Foil Strac(