Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Not a Lottery. [ARTICLE]

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Not a Lottery.

. Brookl\n (N Y.), May -8.— Philip J. I wyer. who was held for the Grr-nd Jury on a charge } of m«intai iing a lottery, aud j whoee case was brought before Judgo Gay i«>r in tho Snpreme , C«»urt on a rrit of habeas corpus last week, vas ttnlav discharged. on the grou id that lus arrest was illegal und« r the Ives law. The Judge in hi» decisiou says: There is io fom»dation for the : couteutiou fhat horse-racing is a lottery. It s not a lottery, either īn eommon speech or withiu ; leg .1 definit on. L«»ttery depends on a lot or ehanee. snch «s the castiog of l?ts, throwing of dice or tho tnrni »g of wteel. lu tbe scheme of t iis. racehorse owners j do uot pay i snm to win a larger • suui l»y lo' or ehanee, but in order to enfcr into the contest of I skill, endunnce and speed upon wliieh tbe s ake dej»ends. W ith the matter .<8 a mor«I question 1 j have nothing to «io. ■ ■ — —