Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — CLAUS SPRECKELS. [ARTICLE]

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HeWaslesHis Hands Of - HawaLi and the p. g. New Yo k. M*y 2d-CUos Spreckels s»t in tbe lobby of tbe , Waldorf to« iy and Ulked abo.it : tbe futare e f Hawaii. He declared that tb« existing provisionAl } government cannot lastlong. “As , * ninltcr of fi»cl,” Le »aid, ‘the real rev««lclion is yet to eome. ‘ Tbey eal eū it a revoiut;on when tbe Qoeen vas dethrooed, bot ;t uas all as qaiet as a prayer-meet-ing. Wuei s- me lime ago I soggested a rej nhlie tbey w*r.te«l to kil! me. T iey deman«led anuei■tioo to th< United 8tates aud n« thiug el **. Since tben tbey have begg< d me to eonie back and help tb« m t<> arrange a repob1 ean form >f gOTernment, bot I bave t««!d tliein tbat they must • now work o it tbeir own salvation. “J><* far a» I am concerned j>er- ! soni»lly, I b »ve been disposing of roy iuteresjj on tbe islands as rapidly as ean to my sons and partners. : nd have practically retired fron business tbere. Reg «rdmg the tariff on sugar,I bave uo opinion to express; at least none satisfactory to mystlf. Mr. Sj*r(ckels, accompanled by Mrs. S >reckels and their d»ngber, w:ll sail ou tbe Paris for Europe iVednesday.