Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — The Latest. [ARTICLE]
The Latest.
1 iie SenMe. arcordirg to tbe ii<rereive«i tbe Ctaclic, i* still d* l>xting the Urifl bill, ar»d it in utiC« rtam when a v<>tc wil! rr«vevl it S»*iTat»«r Ky;e fr**D) Sontb I k• *t:» has brongbt in a ros-o!otion relatiug to Ha«>iitD l t it ban failtn verv tbt ic spite of tL« ttfort8 of tbe Ile I i,M;. it.' tr> j..» it. T1 e resolution instruct» iu rcHlity, tbe Pr« - <I*.*iit uot t«» restore tbe eonst;tut. ual g.*verument »n Hnwaii bv force. TLis scenis to indieate tl.Ht tiie p licy of Clevel*ud and Gr slniiu iu r« g;»r 1 to Hawaii bas bv no uieaii' l»oeu nbandone«i, but tbe j«dniinistrtttion is deterD ,to«*d t«> « ;.rrv it ont asorig«nally j*r pose«l Senator Frye wbo lms been closcly conuected un " »de end«M.« red t<> g« t tbe resolotion j, ►>. <! by htating “on the very best of ai«tbont> tbat Queen Li|inoktt)>ini >'■*' ru»dy to accept n monev consi«l« r««tiou hs s«x>n ns tbc S«*iintc ■rt« , «l, in lieu of ber el.iiiii'Tbe ' u»tor "as unab)e to uieutu»n his autbority tbougb. Hi««l h« f.«iled to create a M»iis.ti i It is )iHrdly necessaryto st:«te tlu-.t tl.e honomhle gentleinuu lie«l, ni d simply a«bled anotlu*r fa)sebo«*d to bis well-known ; rec« rd l’rivat« informstion l«*ads us to b«‘lieve thnt Mr. Hastings isbebiud b«*tb the K\leresolution »n«l tbe Frve stntement. Howe\«*r. Mr. H:.'t«ngs’ capHc*ity as a slat«*smun nceds not woriy «>nr j*arty. We kn«>w the geutlem«n only to<* well bere. Tbe j*i s|, cts are tlmt the Senate will ie.wo tbe Huwaiian mattcr aUo g«*tbci witb tb*‘ 1 resident, atid wlmt lie intends io do we all know L*t tbe c«»nrention go on witb its fruitless work.