Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I nsuranceN otioes. * ; = ■ ■■ -— Fire, Ufe d IKIaHne INSURANCE. HARTFORD FIRE IXSURAXCE C0.. Assets, $ 7,109,825.49 LOXDOX LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO. f i i 1 Assets. 8 4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO., . 1 Assets, 6,C-4,057.00 j XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE GO.. Assets, $137,499.198.99 C. O. BGRGER, Geiif*ral Asjent f*r the H-iwiiun īs xnds. llonolnlo īnsurahce |FIRE & MaKINE. the undeusigned is authorized / TO T \KE FIUE vxd MAUINE KISKS ON Buildin<zs, \Xercliandise, iiulls, Cju*iroes, Ki*ei<rhts aud Commissions AT CURRENT RATES. JN THE FOLLOWING C0MPAMES, viz; Royal Insuran.ce Company, - Liverpool AUianee Assumnce Fire und MaHne, Lonāon Wilhelnia of Madgeburcf General 1 nsurance Co Sun lnsuran.ee Conipanij, - San Francisco . f. S.WAI.KER, Agent for f[awaiian Islanda Residknce; Mutual 410 P. 0. B«x 117 E. B. THOMAS, Tei.ephonks: Bell 351 Mutual 417 CONTRACTOR and BUIIDER Elstimates Given on All Kinds or IKON, ST0: M\T All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, Attended to. I. KEEP8 FOR 8ALE: » BnuK, Lune, C«ment. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, OId A Xew Corrngaied Iron, Minion T0m. | Qnarry Ti'os, assorted sises and colore; Onliloinia »ad Monterey Sand, j Granite Corbing and Bloeks, s4c.. etc. ( Corner King 6k Smith St*. OKPIOK YARD: . OSce Hoors, Vto ts M-, ( ito 4 P lf.