Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, , Risr^er, Stevedo:.x> axd W r ;recker. I8TIMATES 1XD COV RACTS O.V ALL SIVK? or 70ES. — The Schoooner MAIIIMAHI. •īll ran bet*M i thi> pott iod 'V*Uio*. ILiWAiU.pei, Mok’ >1». K«nveca> i »C'l Kniki n tbe of • )nha. Far FmghL, ete , »ppij »«> tbe C«pt»ūt. Icquire at Offic-‘ of J. S. U alker, ovrr Hpnieliela’ Bauk, Ior W right Bro« Fort Stivet- t lfi.H i — Long Brancli BAT H 1 NG Establishment. This First-class Ba -hmg Resort h.ia been enlarged auil is now j open to tbe public. It is th» I best p!ace ou t!i»? islan<ls to snjo\ a bath an«l tliere i- no bettei plaee to lay ott. Sjhcj. . aeeom modatious for Ladies. Tramcani pass the door evory t>»lf ho irand on Saturdays and Sundays everj dfteen minutes. e. J. SH£RWOOD l’roprietor i M) Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The above Store h;is n .vive<t anothe' Spieuitid Iuvo »e ot Silk, pANCY GoODS, Per S. S. “China.” —(OMrRISIMl — BEAUT1FUL SILIC |AFD CRAPE, Dn-vs Goods in all shade, p'ain ami tignred. Cnshions. T.<We Covers, Bed Covers, O iwik, Stiawln Sillv Cr;ipe Haiii’iow Silks. All Colors Fancy D.v.;>erifts E1BE01DERED HANDriECHEFS DoiIlies, SrArfs, S Jackeia, Cuj»s* Ek?.. Etc. NOVELT[ES: The Price»of the<e (.»>»vls v .li a«t> .uish yoo inciuJ:ng ELEGANT SiLK KIM0N08! Hindsotue Cigarett<* C;-ses, Pu» Cn»hions, Silk l’ea Oossies, LAWE i>D H.lil.L JtI'13ILSE KIG> Silk UrubrePas, lifiht bit strong; Ch*ir S» ldles, Silk; Hnoihoo Bhnvls, hUed ’rith pnUeys; Silk Launp Sh*Jes, uev styie. J APA>E8E KlUiU, From $3 Cp. * LAKGF. iAPAIE» r?IBKFLLAS C«n be Set with Pol? tn ihe ground, niee for Pieuio» or Lancb»sont of door», they eoa be »-pened unt or use>l ss s tenU COTTOX CIUPKS ! IN GREAT VA«i ETY tSricjpecn..n BexpectfuiU lnvitod. MSS. J. P. P. COLJ.ACO, l*roprietre«i. A prl 2-3nu Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. R- C. S. fEag.] L. R. C. P. ILonA.] D. P. H. {r!uvwrwtT ct C*a pimdge], Ute c£ Wjiu.es, Lūj.ad o' &»ui. H\SES1ABLISHE1> HniSELF IX THE offi«e f.>me>»lv oer i>*e I by I*r. >’oote. oorner of heieiuu» «cd Pui ehhuwl Suv«ts. — OKFICE HOL'AS: — •to 11 abl:Stoi pa».;T toSp.m. St s»AYv 3 to 4 u.m. Ks««»l T«L S34 tnqrS*j T«LiUl M1