Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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• • »»# • • Kerosene 011. > ' — 4 THE ALOHA,’ High Gnde OiL Price M der»te. at T. H. 0AUIE8 & Co. mr 16 Im ]Dmpire Saloon, Souīh-East Cor*er Nuuanu and Hotel StreetS. Choice V/ines, > Liquops Cigars ) A Sp endid Assortment of i ; i <f*Of\jED WlfiES • Port Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE. n y- r ) 3m Manag-r .Sans Souci Hū r l' EL, \VAlKibiI, UUNULULU. V /3 1 ; >m-rirst-C/ass Aeeommooations for lour/sts and /s/and I Guests .... Sl JPERI0R BATHING FACIUTIES. Pnvate Cottages for FamifieS. A. HIMP80N. Manager Capt. Wm. Davies, /VTER-/SLAND P/L07 . FOK. l.\\y Port or Landingf in the Ilawaiian Islands. i lmjuire »t office of J. S. Walkeh o\er * S <reckel'i> Hauk. _feb l4-tf, F. GKRTZ, IIAS KE-OPENEO HIS Boot & Shoe Store, C'pp.>s t- the C ! nb * Stab'e on iortStreet. and will bc g ;td to s -e his old fneuds. m..y7-tf. CwT. AKAXA l|eft|uit lailoi" 3*21 Nuuann Street -A.U Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the.Latest Style. 01othee Cleaned and Kepaired. nol7 DAN. LYO.\S CANCINQ CLASSES 1 Mo* ‘ at Arion Hall ererv TUEsDAY and FRtDAY EVEX - 1 <GS, at 7 o’eloek. Also, on e-err Sati rday Aftersoox. at| 2 o'eloek. I Tuition, 25 Centa for eaeh J.eeaoo. and satisl<*ction gn*rauteed or no ehargee made. B»ay 8-tf. i