Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E. Mc!mty^ e •D£POBTERS AXD DEALERS Grroceries, X > ro\ r isions ▲5D Feed, EAST corneb FOET A KISG|STS. New 6oods Rec’d By every Packet fro n ihe E4stenj States »nd Eorope. Fresh Cnliforn a Pitxloce by erery steanier. All orders faithfully a;tended i*-». and delirered to any part of the ciiy FREE OF OUAKOEIsUn i On.lers Solicitoii. Sdt>sf»ction GnarHnte.xi Post OiEee Box N«x 14o. Telepbone No. 92.

PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corr»«r Kicg *nJ Nnnann EDW. WOLTEK.... Manager. Tb« Fin<fct #electk>u of LIQL'OKk and j BEER, «oU *njwhere in tb* tm. First-<'l*ā» atteniJriice. C*U and jn<lg« (or roort«lf. no S0->1. NaneE. PUKINO n»y *h«!enc>> from thr isi<in<b. Mr. F. .*. !OWRkY witi aot f r uie ander fnll power of Attornev, and I will not rr9po:i9ibl!* for »ny bills eontracted by «nyone else iu my name. Mr. K. C. K HI'K »ill atten<i t*» ’ary i orders left at tbe shop. FKiT/ J. WIUIKLW, Henoluln, May 2S, Isy4. 123-lw.Uy poi;nd masters NOTtCE. Nolm is hereby giren to «II j<ereous. that tber« i* at tho Ooeemmenl Ponnd »t M:\kiki, one sorrel Lor>e, l white lt-g br.m !«d ; WOon thc right hip; I swrrel borse wLite • forehe*d btHnd iodi“cnhablo; 1 hay honw ■ vhite spot iin the forehe>«ti aini b*ck. three vbite ieg. bnind (K) on the nght hip; l )<«y borse. whlte »pot o» tbe /nreLt'.w) aud back. one wbite ieg. bntude<i }|P on tbe r gat bip aud JI on tfae )eft kiud; I b»y tu*re. w!;ito • spot on the forehead *nd b«ck, two wLite ; Ieg. limn i indiacnbable; 1 hay uiare, white j spot ou iLe forehead and bt*ck, branded JO ! on toe lett hiud tcg; 1 bnr iniav. «bite f..re- | head braud indit>onbable. Any pemon or penona owuing tbis i horae are re*jue«ted to eoiue and take the aaiue on or bofore 12 o’eloek nuon 8AT17RDAV, Jl'NE, 4. 1SW. JAU£S Kl'KONA, Ponnd Master. . Makiki. June. 4. )S04. jane 4 Iwk 1 — —— THE eOMMEHeiAL SflLOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuaanu *t Berct tnia gta. Honoluiu. H. 1. The 0:ily Sport ng Hou.se iu Tuwn. O. P. S. a Speciality. LOHENGBIN LAGER |BEER, Always on Dr.uight. 2 GLASSES FOR 2Ō CENT3. Best of H 'ines, Liqitors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jul tf The “Eagle House” Foi The Lease and the Good WiU of this Favorite Family Hotel. THERE ABE FOUR DETACHED C*ittages annex-d Ihe H*>tel su't->b!e f >rprivjte limi’iea. The main buildii g conttins 20 Bed Kooma Jjrg» Dir.ii g Roora. P»rior. ctc The f’iruit'ire ia ali elt*gir.t mul in g >od coaditiun. The Groun<ia are b*autif«.ily Iaid ' ont in Tre+s, f luwei», Fer«s, and |otner Piaola. Tbis ba«inc88 ein be lr *oght al a birgtin on e*sy terms »8 tu paynoent. App'v to T. E KKOU3E. Asūugton H*>tel ofiice. may 9-tf N0TICE. At a meeling of the stockboidersof tbe HOLOMUA PUBLISH ING CO. (Limitedj beid on tbe 2ōth insl.. tbe f.>llowing penona were doly elected u£licera for tbe ensoing year: Cha4. Bu Wilson President Fdjii XP NoneiE., Vice-Pre.Hident G. E SjOTKa:s Secr«tary G. E S*rrmE8 Treas jror , F. i. ĪEiWA. ....Aod!*ūr ot *A*AGem: C W. Ashfukd, A. P. Prri£asox axdF. Hariu80.\. G, E- SlOTBJK6.

TEXTH Annual Meeting OP THK HAWATIAX Jockev Club. JUNE 11. 189-1. OHieial ProeTamme o <§T Races to Commence at 10 a. m. S/iarp. l3T— B1CVCLE RACE. Prize Siiver Medil; v»*ued at $25. Enlianee fee 11.50; 1 mile d <sh. Free f.>r all, 2— KALAKAUA Pl'RSE $100, Ranuing Race; $ uaile d;.sh. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU PCKSE rl00. Trotting and Pacing, to harnes;; 2.40 elaea. Fr ?e f r all. Mile heats; beat 2 in 3. 4— R0SITA CHALLENCE CCP, $200 ADDED. Rnnning Race: 1 mile d: sh. Free for all. Winner of eup. to beat record of Angie A. 1:45|. 5— PRESIDENT WIDE5ANN’S CUP, $75 ADDED. Running Race; f rHiwaiian bred. mile dash. 6 — JOCKEY CLUB PURSE $100 Trottingand Paoing, to 0aruesa Free for all. Mile hci,ts; best 3 in 5. 7— OCKANIC STEAMSHIP C0’S PURSE $100. Running Race; 1 in: r e dtsh. For Hawaiian bred. 8 — MAUI PURSE $100. Trottingand Pacing. tc harnes? 3 minute class. ForHawaiian bred. Mile heats; bes ! , 2 in 3. 9 —KAPIOLANI PARK P(JKSE $125. Running Race; mile d ish. Free for all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA purse. $100 Trotting an<l Pacing, to harnes3. For Hawaiian bred; mile beat8; best 2 in 3. £flP~A!l entrie3 are t« .*l>e made witb the Secrelary, at the office of C. O. Berger. on Merchant Streef, before 2 p m \Vedne8dfcjr, Jnne dth.' 1&94, at * hieh time they aill cl«se. Entrv fees t« be 10 ;>er eenL ot tbe purse. onles3 otherwue sptcifie<L All racea are to be rao or trutted under the rule« of the Jockey Club. All borsea ara expected to start unle8S witbdravrn by 12 o’eloek noon, on Juoe 9tb, 1894. Aii borses mu8t appear on the track at the tap of the heli from Ihe Jodges stand; ctberwiae lbey will be fined. <*«ser*I *liBts»on I iOeeeu •j»ad «Uad 50 aud )l C«mW ijt e»or«L*} 9L» Qaar«er*l?eicfc W. M. OiiiaiKl StorcUry HawaiKe Jockey Clnb . m*r 10—2 wka d!v • #4 *• * Jl ■ ' 5; ■ -