Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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_ [We <lo not hold ouraelTes responsible f--r I the opuūona or the utteiunoea af <»ut < correspondents.] | Editor Holomi a: | The handicraft has appear* d. | wbicb is, apparently, tbe b>*s.t j ; production thatconld beexp>ot3l j to eci)inate from the braius of | I Dole & Co., and whieh tbsv i have tiie impndence to e «11 aj Constitution of tbe 19th eei.lu y. j This, with tbe meagre vote e wst | at the last election, will disg n.t ■ eveiy right minded person : ■ tbrongboot tbe United States >.t) I tbe arrogance aud ignorance of | men caliing themse)ves Aner-j cans and laying elaini to poīse »s ; . ing tbe weaHh and brains «>f Hawa i. lf tbis ,is the bes _ . ti.sit | ean be prodnced by the Stevi i.s i gang. may the good Lord J&u.s I | defend the iguorant and th.>© withoat brains. When tbe iepirt of bow tbe last eleelion >-i.s carried together w:th the aj pevranee of lhis pntrid abortiou o: a Const tation reaches the Sonst i, j tbe deatb kneli of tbe p. g i’ill j j be soanded, as tbe Senati vill never forgire tbe deceptio i 1 1 it ; b*s been practiced oo tbsra ly ī j sateilites of the p. g jln >. | g. has had plentv cf rope gi •« a 1 tbem since Janaary, 189Q. j ».d | throagfa ihem haa been a ba ig—)ibg in the perforra inee, tbe act of hanging, in rnalitj, wiil sooo be completed. Rotaust.