Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — From the "Boston Transcript." [ARTICLE]

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From the " Boston Transcript."

Our Correspondence Captaia , Jolius A. Pa!mer arrired in Bo>-1 r too yesterdav; he reports eo! ' change ia affi*irs in Hawaii, tbe two parties are eaeh clingingta tbe old delosīoos. the one thr t ; any mail may revive tbe lo I cause of annexaiion. ihe othtr that it mav restore the Qaeeu s , supremacy; however absord tiete : hopes. tbay at least answer tc ■ preserve nominal order. If tl e roya!ists finally lose all confidom € in President Cleveland, it quite possible tbat tbere may bs au outbreak; it is scarcely tlle expected tbat a nation of ninety tboasand people will subm t withont a protet-t to the rnle ».f two per cent. of their nnmhe *, whieh is the exnct strength of a I Ameiiean birth by the cersui. The assumption that ther»» s oue doliar of American eapiial !.t stake, C*»ptain Palmer say? t utterly false; the only Americac capital in Hawaii is that con:roIled by 8preckels & Go., and he s loyal to tbe coustitnted auth(>rii\ of the Qneeu. The most of tlt so c->lied Ainericaus were boir ou the islands; their rnonev wi s uiado out of lands ieased to the n by the crown, carried on ty eoolie labor imported by tbe Hi • w.iii u nionarchy, against w lie'a fchey are rebeis; their t.»xes .veic the lightest in the \vorld. the i proiits, tbanks to the Queen s brother, the late King Kalakiui.. who uegotiated the recipr(>cii\' treaty, froiu ten to forty percent. ■ }>«r annuiu on inflated capit I stock of tbe sngar plantatiou i. It is therefore to Hawaii, and not to America, tbat they owe heir we;lth. The provisionaI go\er.i-; ment in the fii-st year of its exist j enee spent exactly $31,000 ino v j thau theQueen hasspent m thotv> e» preceding years. They ;ia’ » ) contiscnted all her meome ‘roj i the crown laods, and yet are rnu ■ ! ning bebind everj r day, ar» ■ raised tuxes 33£ per cent. tl.o present year. Presiilent Dole appears nmh \vorn by the cares and auxieti 3*} of his position; tlie Qneen, »>n the contrary, on receiving os • ; correspondent prior to liis de- ! ■ partnre seemed, verv chefrfi I, | although she is entirely w:thoit] resources, and all her attemlants are serving her for the wages o' j love and loya!ty. The currei; impression that the provisiom 1-; ists have been recognize» 1>” | other governments is an errcr. , 1 On the contrary, Presidont Dclo I i has been notified by the Biiti ili | naval commander that he wi.lnoi j receive a president’s salute frcn i tbat flag. No governmeut, sa«i ■ Kussia aml the Uuited Statcs, ; 1 has in any way recopnized tte i i- j surgents. The French consi 1, • arriving while onr correspoi.deat ) wastbere, brought credentials lo • the Queen; aml to the great po ver she is at present the on!y een- | j stitutional ruler of Hawaii.