Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tlie Ice Crtam Parlors are now in trouble. Jaraes Steiner bas i been snmraont d to appear in the I tbe uistrict Court to-raorrow aud , eiplain how b> dares sell candy to tbe girls and cigirettes to tbe ' boys, or vice > ersa on Sundays. — It is repo *ted tbat Captain | Larsen will a. rest sbarpsbooters, ghost - walk».rs, band-players, beer-driukers baokraen, rainis-terial-treaters aud parsous next j Sunday if t're>’ cboose to ply . tbeir respecthe trades. j lt is unders:ood that two loeal agents for cer;ain museuras bave 1 offered to pur 'hase tbe idols e | I tured on >ietker island. Tbere ■ ■ will be qnito a competitiou for 1 tbese uuique curio6ities. It is a pity tbat tbe Hawaiiuu goveruraent c.«nnot ‘ecnre tbem. - - •*Tom illiama, tbe wellkuown horse- uan from San Frau* j | cisco, was a pHssenger by tbe | Gaelicthis m >ruing. Mr.Wiliiams : is goiug to Jupan : presumaLly, to j intro«iac8 t>Io>ded borses »nk> ibe ; j land of lbe E siug Sun. The j>op- 1 uiar sport was pleased to sbake I bauds witb Sim Farker, Billy : ;Cornwell, Billy Ir»in aud olher j frequeuters o. the Caiifurnia iurf : » ' I