Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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i T H E p Ajiheuser-13usch Brewing Co. w« ■ thc l? r j ze at the W orlci’s with the i li] A-GrL K I3raiid 33eer. St. Lon». Ocr 28, 1893. ilEssK3. Macf vBLane & Co., L 'i), Honolulu, H. I. ī)e<rr Sim: —W'e Iiuve ma leil yon a eopy of the Gl6be-Democrvi ann»uncing tin gr > it viet»rv v i ..y • VXHEr?EB-UcsH Asso^ia- , tiox with tlieu ‘ LAOLL Limu I >i li :er. [SiguevI3 ANHEUSER-BtJSH BEWL\G ASSOClATION. i 5$ K % 53». <s 4 §s n' C3. e 5-3 5 mm % -y? w an * * <r i 2« «* - ? * In onlering this Beei besure toask for the “EAOLE” Brunci. Macfarlane <Sb Co., Mur. li- -2iad. AgenUs f<rr Uawaiian Islands. OUī>WAr k POMEE. Robmso), Uloek, Holel St., helween Fort and Nuuauu, Have Just L Cfciv«d, jer Iate Ani\als, tLe Iargest Stcck of UU.l MTUBE Ever lmpOrted to t : iis Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0X IS CALLED T0 TflES£ SETS: WIOKEH WARB, Beaut ful Des gns of Wicker W'are, consisting of SOFAS, CHa1RS, ROCKERS. etc., vou ean get these in »lv FINTSH you desire. CHAIRS, Coontless nuu bers of CHAIRS, in ever\- stvle, inc)uding OFFICE aud HIGH CHAIRS. BXTEITSIOIT T-A. We have had a nuraber of calls for these Tables. with CHAIRS to oautch. We have now in stock the most BEAUTtFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EV£R SEE\ HERE. Sideboards and -:- CMffoniers i?DIVANS.^ D vans covered with PORTIERS are becoming quite tbe rage iu plaee of LOCNGES-we manafacture thea» to order aad h%vc « Iaige stock of PORIIERS to sehct from. BEDDI1TG-. Great Assorti ient of WOYE\ WLRE MATTRESSES—Spring, 3a Mosa. W.x)l and Straw Mattresses oo band and made to° ord* UVE GEES • FEATUERS «nd SILK FLOSS fur Piilows CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WIXDOW SHADES of a!I colors and siz^s. CORMCE POLES, in wood or brts« trimmings. IE3 I1 <3-, Mattresses, and all UphoLstered Furniture repaired at reasonabīe iates. |CABIJiET MAKIN'O, iu all its branches. by Compeaeut Wort mou. MATTL\G LA1D and Iut rior Decor.tmg L\er on «f Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. oapems oo «f , . Goods -*• F rat , Chss \ and ow pnoee are the lowest Coxe . and be c>»nvinoed—a trul is s lic;ted. Bell 525. TELWaojr»; Maioai 645 OEDWAY4POKTER. Koiūmo* B»oek,Wwm» P«*a*dNaaana