Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HA.WA.il HOLOMU^, IS PUBUBHED Kvorv -A.l’te nioon KICEIT 8UKDAY BT THE Eolomua Publishiag Cc. At King 8t (Thomas block), Honoluln, H. 1. 3U2SC2IP7ICN, per X:nth, 5C Cts. The pa:er i* de!iTered br Carrier» iu the tovu «U'l Hobarb,. Sim{le Copiei 1 ->r Sale nt the Nf»s Dealcn» an i at ihe Ohi.-e oi pubhc*tiou. EOUUHO NORR!E, - - Edltor GtORGE E SMITHIES - Manager NOTICE. All Knsin>"S <'<>nimuPlr»tiims shoii!d be adiire-"«' I to G>">rgc E Smithies Uonoloiu. II. 1 t'..rns,iH»U(ience and Conininmcations tor imblicatl»n nhouhl l»e Hil>lreH«e<l to the Er1itor liawan H ilouina. N» notice will lie paid to any anonymoQ« oouiuiuuicati»u*. Husiiie»fts Cards A. I*. PET£KSON, attuunev at law. UtRoe. 113 Kaahumanu S*.reet, Honolnln Hawauau Ialands. CHARLES CREIGHTON. ATTOKNEY at law. OtBc« 113 Kaahnuiann Street. Hoiiolnln liaa-uiiau Isiauda. PAI L NEUMANN, atturney at law. 314 Morohant Stroet, Honoiulu, Mutiml Teloi»houe 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD. attuknev and cutnsellob at LAW. Olhi-e. 01d Capitol Bnilding, (Houolnln Halei, a>lj»iuiug r»bt <.>ffice, Honolulu. JOILN LOTA KAULUKOU. attoknev at law, Otfice, cornor King A Rothel St«. LEW1S J. LEVEY, Heal Estate und Oeneral Auctioneer. Coruer Fort and Qnecn Streela. Honolnln PersonAl Httenti>‘n g’ven to Sales of Furuiture, Real Estate, Stock and General Motohandise. Mutua! Tdeohone 23$ A. ROSA. ATTURNEV AT LAW, No. Iō Kaahumanu St.. Honoluln, Hawaiiau lslauds. M. H, LOHElDE, S1GN AND OBNAMEXTAL PAINIEK. [Hawaiian Har>lware Co.] All ordere promptly attended to. THOMAS L1NDSAY ManHfaduring JetcrUr a'ui W(Uc/imaier, Mclnemy Bloeh. 403 Fort, Str. H»no!nto w!s. LUCE Wine ond Soirit M©rcliant % t >-L ‘i('nmpheU Firt-proof Block, EKBCHANTST. HONOLULU.