Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — A Coming Event. [ARTICLE]
A Coming Eve n t.
! Soville-SinilIi, the well-known tlieatrical niHii: geris ou bo«rd tbe i Gaelic. He noi.ities Mr L J Levej-, : t!»e lessoe of the Opera Honae that he will bring his fumons VaudevilleCoi ipauv bvtheBelgic | ou the 5th of July, aud will g ve , I oue perfonnauce. Arrangements I have beou raade by tbe ageuts of tho stearaer to hold her Ueia so as to give i Honoluln a el auee to enjoy the j origiaal serpentine dance and i other featuies of Seville-Siu : th’s ' ' troupe. It ia uot too early to 1 j bespeak tickeis at Levey’s oflice