Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — An Audience. [ARTICLE]

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An Audience.

W h'Ie tlie Arawa wis in port !«st Saiul»y, and tl»e Deleg.ites to the Inter-Jolonial Coigiess on ho«rJ insjected the tmn, their wives and chil«!rrn p:ii<l their respects to Her M:tjestv at Waso- i ingtou plaee. The following per- * sons «ere received: Ltdv Wrixon, Miss W rixou. ?Ir. Arthur Wrixon, aiui Master W <xon. Mr. S. Simon , Fraser anil Mi >g Fraser, Mrs. A. : ,G. Tbynne. Mrs. Lee Suiith and Mrs James H. Wodehouse, \vife of H. B. M. minister resideut. j Hon. Arebibald Cleghorn preseuted the ladies who were enter ) i taine<l in a most pleasent fnanner by Her Majc- 4.y «nd expressed therase!ves deliguted with the j cordial reception extended to ! them. Tbo andience lasted uo.irlv half au hour. I *