Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Baf!klo Beer alw*ys od t*p at tbe Roval. Tbe Eawaiian Board wiil meet tbis eTeaing at 7 o'eloek. A large crowd was at Eoima Sqaare iast oigbt Iisteoiog to tbe band. Wby doe»n't the goTernment bny tbe Necker lsland idols before it is too late ? Mr. Rudolf Spreckela and party bave postponed tbeir trip to Miiii. Oolonel Cornwell retarns to Mani this aft«rnoon by tbe Claadioe. Mr. Paal Nenmann did not returc by tbe Oaelie as expected He is still waitfng for that man Tbe Woman’» Board met this iuoming ut tbe usdh1 plaee at 10 o’eloek. Tbere was an nnuauai large attendance. Tbe American Leaguo bad a lively u.eeting last eveniug Tbe League doesn’t approve of tbe new ConstitutioD. Tbe H.iwaiian Evaugelical Asstx;i«tion met this morning at 10 o’cb>ck. Quite a nninber of rev- i erends were preseut. Dickey D.»vies says tbat he won’t euter any horses for the ! meeti' g on tbe llth. it is boped that he will cbange bis mind. Tbe Japanese training ship Kongo eame into port tbis morniug. Sbe left Japan on tbe 17tb I of May. Tbe usual salutes were firod. By tlie Oaelie Mr. Edmund Norrie received a request to act us correspondont to tbe Xeic York Herald. Mr. Norrie has accept- J ed tbe propositiou. The funeral of E. C. Damon takes plaee tbis hfternoon at 4 p. m. from the late residence of tbe deceased on tbe corner of Bere- i taaia und Alapai streets. A numberof ma«s meetings wil! be called in a jshort while. The League is cxpected to meet next Friday. Tbe object of the meetings is tbepropose<l Constitution. Tbe will of the late J. H. Love- j joy was filed yesterday, Mr. W. Foster appears for proponent. j Joly 6th is set for tbe day of be*ring. The Oaelie arrived in port this morning at 5:30, sixdaysont from j Sau Francisco. Sbo leaves this afternoou for Japan and Cbina at 5 o’eloek. — Tbe tcrm of the 2ud Circnit Court whieh m īII be opeued tomorrow, will be hurried tbrough. Tbe boys waut to be back in time f*>r the lltb. J. O. Carter is expected to retnrn by the Alameda. Ue hus enjoyed bis wel!-e rned vacatiou ! frora business and }>oliticai cares

in the baltuy olimate of California. A namber of ofticiaIs aad attorneys leave this afteruoou foi Maui. wbere tUey will be iu at- I t«ndanee on the Cirooit Court. ! Mr. Gardner Wiider represents the goverument. Judge Cooj>ei goes to Manithis afternoon. He will preside at the second Circuit Conrt in the trial of J. P. Sylva, a depaty taxasseesor and co!lector. charged with embezzlement. Judge Kepoikai is disqu«Iified on accoant of bis reiationship to tbe defendant. —■ Tho bursting of one of those i snake-iooking rnbber tiers oa a bicycle thīs morning, ootside . B:sbop's bank, produeetl a report • that mr.de a number of the faitb- : i fuls rosh away fr»m the Poei Ofisce. It «as beiieved Uiat | auother Royalist plot was iu j progrees and tfaat dynamite was “»t a preminra £xchaoge waa ; sold ai tho aame piemium neverS iheleaa.