Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OCEAXIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL JLINTIi S. S. AUSTRALIA. imw Ho%>h!a L*iw Hoanloh (T"tB S> P. W 1 * F• Ffb- ‘24 Mar. 31. M.ir. ‘24 Mir. 3. Apr. ‘21 Apr. 2S. M»y 19 May. ‘26. Jane 16 .Inne 23. 'Plipoiiilli l-'iiie-From San Fnn. for Sydnej. Arnve Uonolula From Syilney for S;in Fmncisco. Leaie Honolulu. Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA ” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBU»G LAGER BEER On draoght and by tbe keg. Also. as a Specialty, Small Fresh California > 0YSTERS, i KOU COCKTAXLS mayl 3ms lChas. T. Gulick notarv public For tho IsUml*of Oahu. ! Agent to Take Acknowle«lgmenta to Labor ContracU. ' Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieen8es, Honolalu, Oahu. ' Agent for tho Haw’n Islands of Pitt <& Scott’8 Freight and Parcels Exprea8. : Agent for the Barlington Koate. | — Real Eslate Br:ker aadSeneral Ar^I I 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. 0. Box 415. 1 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERCHANT Ktre«t Honoiaia H. | £stabii*hed 1863 |Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOilV BACKERT anl ICE CREAIPARL0RS F. HORN, Proprictor. Weāāin* and Birthday Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guava Jelly. Factiry and 3U)re, - No. 71 Kiog 9lru*L Both Tetepkones 74