Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Tbe Advertiser who catches a persoos eye asnally wins a i costomer. Many dit!erent sty!es of advertising have been *dopted • aud witb more or less snccess, by tbe believers in tbe use of printers ink. The mannfactnrers of Pears 8oap. for in«tance. occasion ally buy paintings tbat bave heen ou exhibition in tbe P.tri’s SaIon and have l;th«'grapbs made from tbem for the «>f bringing tbeir pr-xl ;ct bef »re the j»eople. In addition t > s i«<h side issu« s, Pearsj<ends hun lre«is thous;tn«ls of J«>llais anuuallv amoDg the newspaj»ers aml magazines. Some years ;ig«» tbe \gents of certain article on sale in New York ma«!e a bit in ailvert;sing by ; !iaviug on Broatlw;ty tiuring business bours two fatlncss!y dre>sed Negroes wearing verv high c »li.irs, on tbe backs of whieh was priute«l “Use Smitbs Pills.’’ The ide.» was novel .tnd the puhlie ! canght on. Rising Sun Stove Polish has been kept before the ; public for years through persistent, aml sometimes expensive . advertising. Twenty od«l yearsl ago tbe mannfactnrers of this jiolish started half a dozen men' i icrossthe orni neut t > paiut sign« ! ! on rocks and fences. Tho Aer- j motor Co., of Cbicago have in-; ; creased its sales raore than five ! bundred per cent iu two years by < the use of printers iuk. We| I beheve we have been instrumeni tal in incre;ising the siles of tbe Aemotor by keepiug everlastingly at it in Mawaii. We do not w«sh to say that advertising will sell auy manafactured article; there is no nse speuding money in advertisiog •‘cheaj» and nasty” goods beI cause tlie people will uot be hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohina was I not the suj»erior article ,it is, all ; our advertising of it would not liave sokl tbe tbousamlsof pieces tbat \ve b»ve. We simply eall ! tlie attention of tbe people to it! aml its snperior quality is appareut to tbe customer directly a pieee of it is examino«l. Printers ink has helped tbe sale of tbe James Locked Fence bnt : t would not h.ive done3 so if it bad! l been as fiimsy as tbe or dinay wire I fence. First; tbe economy tbere | is in buikiing it recommends j it to the plantation msmager aml j tbe» its dnrubility elinehe» »be the sale lf the stays and wasbj ers cost as mnoh as >»n ordinary ] redwo«xl post our sales of tbe materiai wonid not have reacbed such enormoas j»roportions. Our average salo of tbe Pausy Iron Stove is abont two a day the year round. lf was not the best iron stove on the market we woukl uot sell tbat manv m six montbs. A«lvertising is tbe tip ' t> tbe publ:c the good points in tbearticle sells it just as the good qoafities of the Fiscber htee! Range make it a desirable article for people who wisb toeconomi.se in tbe nse of (uel. We bay only wbat b.is proven i good after people in the Fnited i States or Eurorpe have given it a j l trial; we profit by their experince ! if Ihe articles are goood we boy i und sell tbem; if tbey are poor we steer clear of them. When I we advertise an article it is to attract attentiun to it; tbe news- j paper ’s tbe button we pnsb, tbe salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conple«l i witb tbe articla being a saperior oue has sold tboasan«is of tbe . Fn»n« Waloot Emory File. If it | bad been no better than an or-, , dinary scythe stone we probably i i wonld not have sold twenty. j When & man finds ont that his | tabie knives may be kept sh»rp ati all times at an expense of fifty 1 cents and a very liule e!bow grease be is qnite wiiiing to try j tbe eapenmenh Tte Hanui Eart*iR Cn. 1 301 Fort