Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 Iune 1894 — INSURRECTION. [ARTICLE]
LABOR VS. CAPITAL. A Great Trouble In Colorado. Deuver, May 29. 2a. m.— Word his just reacued Denver that tbe strikers are warcbing to Divide t > attack the deputies. Tbree new f<*rts bave sj*rung up ou B ili Hill Tbe four forts . are said to be occup»ed by 1,000 men. Tiiey are amp'y f)rovision- i e<l and |*ropared for a siege in ; every wny. except tbey bave not« lnrge snpply of water. A tror*p of caval v bas been org.uiized. : Tbirty burseiuen are cuustantly ; scouting. If’trouble hre>»ks out again,nnd it :s inip>ssil)!e to see how it ean be avuid vl, the resnlts b d fair to l»e far more ternb!e than those already \. ituessed. Tbearmistice decl«red yesterday was made use of by the sheriti to increase his forcea. Nearly 400 meu have been re;ruited in Denver and ou'y uwait tbe slightest ontbreak to be forwarded to Cripple i Creek aid be sworn in as de- : pnties. The stnkers seem to bave t.«ken courage from tbe action of Governor Waite and affect to believe tbat tbe iuilitia wonld tond to aid them in cariying out their pnrpose 6e tbis as it may, the entire district is terrorized and the strik.)rs. being encouraged by the temporary withdr.»wal of tbe ; depnties, are becoming bolder and roore irnperative and b>?lig- ! gerent. Tbere is no <langer of a : ( non-p*rt san beiug fired npon witbout 6rst being warm.d. but when or-lered to stop it means tbat be uast stop just wbere bis f feet are rest>ng. It is bat a step j from this attito>le to one of most j reckless bearing. and people living in ilie eainp fear tbe oot-! cou>e.