Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — A Nice Governor. [ARTICLE]
A Nice Governor.
Sprin<:fieid (111.), M«y 25.— Goverm»r AItgeld late tbis even- ■ iug issued the following gHiieral order: “It is uot lmsiness of j suldiers to aet ns cust«dians oi guanls of private pr**perty. The j iaw ttnthorizes them simi>ly to \ assist the civil aothorities iu pre- ! serving j*eace, qnelling riots nud | executing tbo laws. Where troops bave been or may bere- j aftcrbe ordered ont, aml anowuer of proporty feels it uecessary to have it gūarded. be mnst do so ! at bis o.vn e\pense, and in sncb a case lie troops ean only be used for tlie j*urpose of promj>tly quelliug u distnrbance of the peaee or sajij>re8sing a riot, or in 8oute o;ber \\ay euforciug the I law”